vision1776 42 Posted June 30, 2012 I like the idea that your location is locked in to your current server and that server hopping will have you start in one of the re-spawn locations. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-AL-Eclipse 14 Posted June 30, 2012 ok im not gonna flame but heres my thoughts on this, yes it needs to be stopped but i greatly dislike your idea. i frequent many many servers other than my own server. seattle 12, 51 , 67 / atlanta 95, 43 /EU 26/DE100/dallas 200and every server on seattle nightly. i hope because my group is goring quickly. we went from 4 guys last week, now were about 12+ . so if they need assistance in a situation : need help fixing up a truck. ill visit cherno, get parts, hop onto their server and get the parts to them and then oh boy! another squad is raiding the nw airfield i go there, i mean its endless. so.... server hopping cannot be fixed by timeout or the abort to avoid death thing. because what if your traveling with a buddie and the anti altf4 thing thinks hes a enemy and you logged to live. i mean it would be stupid. i already get 5 min timeouts half of the times i login which makes me want to bash my face into a wall because ive lost some really sick gear. your ideas quite brilliant honestly, but it will interfere with those of us who have quite large clans. NOW.... if he could detect loot pickup. and it happened more than 3 times. you get a 10 min timeout. or a 5 min rollback of where your character was. i wouldnt mind that... :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jivix 2 Posted June 30, 2012 1. Solve logging out during PvP: If someone shoots in your direction (not from at your side), then you get "suppressed" for up to 30 seconds. Suppression would be like shock, except instead of being stunned, the edges of the screen blur and you cannot hit escape to log out. Should you choose to Alt-F4 in this state, your body will stand in position for 10 seconds, and you will most likely die. Larger caliber guns could cause more suppression than smaller calibers, so people are less likely to chicken out in high-end gunfights.2. Solve the looting exploit: When you log in to a region, you cannot view any of the loot from that region until you leave the region and come back. The exception for this would be when you respawn. Regions are already in the game, they go for large distances outside towns, and it would be very easy to implement. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
warshad 0 Posted June 30, 2012 I don't know if anyone has suggested this but it is much easier to implement and would have less of an impact on the "innocent" players.You could simply have regions where the player cannot log out, i.e. you cannot log out in areas where there is loot.The one major downside to this is that if you want to establish a base using a loot spawn then doing so would prove to be difficult.One possible way to fix this is to make it so you cannot log out around high end loot areas and/or medium loot areas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hendrix (DayZ) 14 Posted June 30, 2012 This is not about ensuring access to loot. This is not about "not being able to get" things. Personally I have a Bizon SD' date=' AS50 Anti-material rifle, two flavors of AK, an M16+M203 and an M249. Most in my truck of course. So, I'm doing just fine - thanks for your advice. But this thread isn't about me, and the problem goes beyond just "learning to play."[/quote']You must be a republican because you said something then contradicted it in the same sentence....why don't you go watch fox news for some "fair and balanced reporting".....please explain how "this is not about ensuring access to loot"yet it is about........"not being able to get things"I live in a world where those are the same thing...sorry if in your bizzaro realm they don't.You rattle off a list of leet gear you have (golf clap) so then your point has been undone by your own ranting if it was hard to impossible to get those items then you wouldn't have them because the server hoppers would stop you from getting them....Just to correct you on a point also a full server is 50 players if that is the max capacity there are larger servers then that. If you attempt to join a server that has a max of 50 with 50 inside even if you ask it to go forward and attempt to log in you will get a server full message queue starts when you reach max capacity and if your in a queue you cant join another server your imaginary server hopping is not happening on a full server during peak hours. People leave because they have lives ,wife ,kids , homework,job, dinner breakfast luch bathroom break ect. Life doesn't revolve around Day Z it's the other way around.New players have no idea where spawns are and what drops there they wander into cities asking in chat if their are other friendlies and in chat give away their position and then wonder how they got sniped that is the one and only problem if people grouped up at the beach and played together from spawn and made an effort as a group they would be fine. They don't however and they just proceed to shoot each other for supremacy while the elite watch through a scope and clean up the few that seem to have collected a few good things in a bag or maybe just for laughs because they have way too much gear then they are ever gonna use and don't even need anything.My current character could never enter another city or town ever and be fine living in the wild but I would die from boredome that is the problem there is no endgame. Server hopping is not an issue there are 3 airstrips a helo crash site that is random on every server and over a dozen deer stands....there is no way you have 16 plus server hoppers farming them all and you still got all the gear you mentioned so pls stop complaining about non issues. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thorgold 91 Posted June 30, 2012 Also if you play on a high pop server there are no server hoppers at all because they can't get in if the server is full. The pro players however are just camping the airports with barb wire barricades taking multiple spawns or farming it cause they got the respawn timers down. You going to complain about that to? What if a team of guys takes over a building and wahhhh you cant get a sniper rifle is that grounds for complaint?...Get over it dude it is part of the game. If you can't find any weapons in this game you havn't learned it that well. Within the first hour server hoping or no on any pop server you should have a larger pack an rifle an axe hunting knife matchbook and canteen and basically be a self sufficient survivalist capable of producing your own food and drink infinitely....from there you have 3 airstrips to search plus the chopper crash sites and multiple dear stands I highly doubt you got 16 plus server hoppers camping all of the leet weapon spawns' date=' you just need to learn where else besides the airport to go aka learn the game or learn to play.....[/quote']So, to summarize your two posts:1. In a realistic survival simulator, players switching between alternate dimensions for loot is a legitimate play strategy2. Pointing out the faults of dimension-hopping is just a crybaby excuse for not having good gear3. LRN2PLAYNUBNormally, I'd respond to your thesis with a simple hand gestue involving the second finger from my thumb. Unfortunately, the internet doesn't allow for that yet.Server hopping is not "part of the game." This isn't some cheesy MMO, so your comparison to Diablo "goblin farming" is absolutely moot. Server hopping is as much a part of DayZ as toddlers pissing in the pool is to swimming - yes, it's possible, but it's something that's discouraged and prevented at all costs.Loot hopping is almost as bad as combat logging - it's exploiting the nature of DayZ as a game in order to cheat game events. Got shot? Log out and heal in another server. No sniper in this building? BAWWW, switch servers till you find one.Your arguments about "BAWWW, THESE PLAYERS ARE CAMPING SPAWNS, I CAN'T GET MY DMR" are counterintuitive and childish. This is a complaint about a legitimate game problem and a nonintrusive solution to the problem. Methinks you're an offender, given your response.Anyway, regarding the suggestion itself. I think the idea is great, and the only tweaks needed would be details - is 1500m too far or too short? Is 10 minutes sufficient instead? Just a few tweaks that could be verified by gameplay. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hendrix (DayZ) 14 Posted June 30, 2012 How do I know it was the server hoppers? Because I have stumbled across multiple people logging back in to the barracks infront of me. I shoot' date=' they DC to avoid death. Explain to me how THAT is fair?[/quote']How do you know said people didn't log out in the barracks to ensure they would start the game at the most valuable weapon spawns?...Oh wait you don't ....point not taken ..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thorgold 91 Posted June 30, 2012 How do you know said people didn't log out in the barracks to ensure they would start the game at the most valuable weapon spawns?...Oh wait you don't ....point not taken .....People who log in for the first time in an hour do not have a loot penalty, so your point is moot. The only people penalized by loot suppression would be people who have logged in/out/back in in the course of an hour.Oh, and thanks for pointing out that gem of a side effect - this suggestion ALSO prevents ghosting! Since looting a player counts as LOOT, anyone who uses different servers to ghost behind snipers/attackers would be unable to loot the victims. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted June 30, 2012 You must be a republican because you said something then contradicted it in the same sentence...It warms my hear to see someone think they're getting a really good jab in only to realize it's because they completely misread a sentence and they're about to make a giant ass of themselves.please explain how "this is not about ensuring access to loot"yet it is about........"not being able to get things"Read the sentences again' date=' bud. Slowly this time. With purpose. I said it's [b']not about ensuring access to loot and it's not about "not being able to get things."The especially hilarious part about this little gaffe is that the forum provides for you a method to directly quote the text of my post. It's right fucking there for you, and instead you try and quote me by hand, leaving out the most important word in the sentence, and then coming in guns blazing like you're going to make a really awesome point.Well, sorry.I live in a world where those are the same thing...sorry if in your bizzaro realm they don't.I live in a bizzaro world where we carefully read and consider the thoughts of other people before responding like a loud-mouthed, petulant little fuck-rag.You rattle off a list of leet gear you have (golf clap) so then your point has been undone by your own ranting if it was hard to impossible to get those itemsAnother claim I never made.Can you please, please, please try and respond to the actual content of the actual discussion we're having? If you're going to populate my suggestion thread with walls of text then participate in the fucking thread. I'm trying to maintain a civil discussion about a problem that clearly people seem to think is important. If you have a dissenting opinion then provide it, don't just make a bunch of ridiculous shit up that nobody ever said and pretend you're Joe awesome for tearing down a bunch of arguments that nobody has ever made.If you attempt to join a server that has a max of 50 with 50 inside even if you ask it to go forward and attempt to log in you will get a server full message...Right, and then people jam on the enter key as fast as possible to get in, get loot, and get out again. A problem that has had such an impact on the database that rocket himself has made a post imploring that people stop doing it... and low-and-behold my solution would vastly reduce hits to the database and clear up part of that problem as well (we would still have people attempting to spamjoin full servers of course, but far fewer and less often).New players have no idea where spawns are...Okay. What does this have to do with new players? That entire paragraph was a complete non-sequitor and unrelated to the topic of discussion.Server hopping is not an issue there are 3 airstrips a helo crash site that is random on every server and over a dozen deer stands....there is no way you have 16 plus server hoppers farming them all and you still got all the gear you mentioned so pls stop complaining about non issues.Once again an entire post in which you have failed to address the key points I made, or respond in any way to anything I've actually said.Once again, to clarify for you - this is not about a lack of loot. This is not about being able to find items. This is not about my being upset at finding areas looted out.I've already listed what it IS about but I can summarize again: tactical game play is severely hindered in a world where people are constantly disappearing and reappearing randomly. Playing tactically is part of what makes DayZ great, so the presence of server hopping which exponentially increases the rates of people disappearing and reappearing has a major detrimental impact on tactical team play. No matter how tactical you are, "warping" players have a major impact on game play and not in a good way.So implementing my solution would: Improve tactical team play by ensuring that server populations remain more persistent and fewer people appear randomly around you as you play. Reduce load on the database significantly by reducing the number of connection requests per minute. Ensure a flow of items that's based on legitimate game play and travel times, giving rocket more accurate information about the effect that his spawn rates are having on the presence of items within the game world.And the only legitimate downside to it is that maybe you have to run a few meters after you login. Oh, WOE IS YOU my friend. You will have to run for 5 minutes before you can loot. I love how this is an absolutely unacceptable solution to you because I guess your feet hurt or you have shin splints or something... yet I'm the one being accused of complaining?Can you attempt to explain why it is imperative to your play that you be able to loot quickly immediately after logging in? Such a major detriment that you are here in this thread arguing with such a passion (and being a giant asshole in the process) against it?How is it that running for 5 minutes is an unacceptable, game-breaking issue for you while having people constantly appearing from other dimensions is "just part of the game?"Also, can I ask that you respond like a human fucking being so we can get back to a reasonable tone of discussion and not continue being assholes to each other? If you want to go full asshole I can do that. I'm really good at it and it's fun for me but I would really rather this thread remain somewhat reasonable. Okay?Please?How do you know said people didn't log out in the barracks to ensure they would start the game at the most valuable weapon spawns?...Oh wait you don't ....point not taken .....My solution addresses that directly and elegantly. God, you never even read the original post in its entirety, did you? You're a mess, dude. Clean yourself up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
people884 0 Posted July 1, 2012 Not like how you said it.It would be easier if you login and you have like a 5min wait time to pick things up or something if there has to be one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hendrix (DayZ) 14 Posted July 1, 2012 So' date=' to summarize your two posts:1. In a realistic survival simulator, players switching between alternate dimensions for loot is a legitimate play strategy2. Pointing out the faults of dimension-hopping is just a crybaby excuse for not having good gear3. LRN2PLAYNUBNormally, I'd respond to your thesis with a simple hand gestue involving the second finger from my thumb. Unfortunately, the internet doesn't allow for that yet.Server hopping is not "part of the game." This isn't some cheesy MMO, so your comparison to Diablo "goblin farming" is absolutely moot. Server hopping is as much a part of DayZ as toddlers pissing in the pool is to swimming - yes, it's [i']possible, but it's something that's discouraged and prevented at all costs.Loot hopping is almost as bad as combat logging - it's exploiting the nature of DayZ as a game in order to cheat game events. Got shot? Log out and heal in another server. No sniper in this building? BAWWW, switch servers till you find one.Your arguments about "BAWWW, THESE PLAYERS ARE CAMPING SPAWNS, I CAN'T GET MY DMR" are counterintuitive and childish. This is a complaint about a legitimate game problem and a nonintrusive solution to the problem. Methinks you're an offender, given your response.Anyway, regarding the suggestion itself. I think the idea is great, and the only tweaks needed would be details - is 1500m too far or too short? Is 10 minutes sufficient instead? Just a few tweaks that could be verified by gameplay.1. This is not a realistic survival simulator....How do you eat cans of beans without a canopener? How does a person with no prior experience know how to build a helicopter or a car or an atv from a few spare parts? Not to mention fly said helo...Why would random people in a zombie apocalypse be pro at shooting high end military weapons including sniper rifles without a spotter?Why would an injection of morphine cure a broken leg? Morphine is for pain only and slows the heart rate but will not mend bones in real life...Why would getting slapped in the face by someone cause me to bleed more gallons of blood then the human body contains... (you have approx 2 2 liters of soda worth of blood give or take thats it)Ohh I have the answer this isnt realistic it is a game......Direct quote form rocket - "This mod is not about realism. Realistic combat? I was a soldier, it's fucking boring 99% of the time. This mod is designed to have the authenticity required to model and produce some authentic emotional responses.Reality has many concessions made against it in order to achieve this authenticity in the brief time a player is present in the world". ...the point of a game is to have fun not play by any predefined rule set you have imagined in your mothers basement... 2. Pointing out people have lives beyond video games must be a revelation to you. People want to play when the want how they want and it is none of your buisness. If someone wants to play only in daytime conditions it is their perogative to hop onto a day time server when they want not yours, mind your own buisness. How does anyone elses playstyle or gear effect you?Ohh I have the must be one of those players that doesn't know the map or spawns beyond the 2 coast cities ...let me inform you there are over a dozen deer stands 3 airports and many interior cities not to mention the random on every server helo crash site to scout for gear if you are telling me that there are 16 plus server hopppers farming them all I can't believe that. I'm guessing you are either too lazy to go find the other spawns or you assume gear should be waiting for you every time. Guess what in an average server of 50 people you got a 1 in 50 chance of finding any loot at a particular spawn ...those are not good odds add to it that in the .2 patch there will be larger servers and more zombies that see beter and loot will be even more rare. Get that lube ready if your hurting now it is about to get worse....3. Exactly thatDay Z Wiki read it learn it love it.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Survivor Tyler 77 Posted July 1, 2012 No. I and many other people' date=' when browsing servers, will very quickly leave if it doesn't have conditions we find suitable. If I log in to a server and it's pitch black night, I'll leave within seconds.Yet with this feature I'll find my loot suppressed. When someone server-logs for loot, it doesn't affect you personally. Don't penalize people like me, who log out frequently just because you don't like other people getting more cans of soup than you do.[/quote']Agreed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hendrix (DayZ) 14 Posted July 1, 2012 How do you know said people didn't log out in the barracks to ensure they would start the game at the most valuable weapon spawns?...Oh wait you don't ....point not taken .....People who log in for the first time in an hour do not have a loot penalty' date=' so your point is moot. The only people penalized by loot suppression would be people who have logged in/out/back in in the course of an hour.Oh, and thanks for pointing out that gem of a side effect - this suggestion ALSO prevents ghosting! Since looting a player counts as LOOT, anyone who uses different servers to ghost behind snipers/attackers would be unable to loot the victims.[/quote']So if you have a power out, lag or poor internet connection the game will penalize you because of a inherint mechanic that doesnt effect the player base in the least except for a few care bear players that have no idea where loot spawns and keep going to the same spot not finding anything so they go whine on forums about it for 4 hours ...this is not in game and will never be in game..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ravenger 10 Posted July 1, 2012 No. I and many other people' date=' when browsing servers, will very quickly leave if it doesn't have conditions we find suitable. If I log in to a server and it's pitch black night, I'll leave within seconds.Yet with this feature I'll find my loot suppressed. When someone server-logs for loot, it doesn't affect you personally. Don't penalize people like me, who log out frequently just because you don't like other people getting more cans of soup than you do.[/quote']Learn your time zones, and your problems with logging into servers that are 'pitch black' get solved real quick.This is the best idea I've seen to discourage server hopping. +1 to OPAbout the time zone thing MANY servers are off i will log into different seattles and some are dark and some are light. I dont think you should be penalized for trying to find a good server as I sometimes log in and out a few times before i find a good one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hendrix (DayZ) 14 Posted July 1, 2012 Oh and one more point about realism in day Z .....copied and pasted from rocket out of a post made today .....Post: #45rocket DayZ StaffPosts: 1,176 Joined: Apr 2012 RE: many players are quitting Rocket says-This mod is not about realism. Realistic combat?I was a soldier, it's fucking boring 99% of the time.This mod is designed to have the authenticity required to model and produce some authentic emotional responses.Reality has many concessions made against it in order to achieve this authenticity in the brief time a player is present in the world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A simple fix to reduce the prevalence of loot farming via server-swapping. It is not a "hard" prevention method' date=' but will still have a significant impact on the effectiveness of this loot collection method[b']Solution When you login successfully, if it has been at least 30 minutes since your most recent prior login, you will be completely uneffected. However, if you logout and then login to a different server without allowing at least 30 minutes to pass while offline, you will be flagged as "loot suppressed" on the new server. To clear loot suppression, you must move at least 1500m from your current location, or allow 20 minutes to pass.Pro's Players will no longer be able to efficiently farm high-value loot quickly by swapping servers. It only prevents loot pick-ups - other game mechanics are uneffected. Unlike some "temporary ban" solutions it doesn't completely prevent you from playing. It encourages travel and remaining on a single server. It will be more efficient to travel from Stary Sobor to the NWAF and back on the same server instead of staying in one spot and swapping, for example. Same with tent farming - going from town to town will now be better than staying in one town and server jumping in hopes of finding a tent. This will make for more persistent player presence on a server, and less "blink in-blink out" type gameplay at these hot spots. It should be easy to implement, since ARMA 2 supports the "move at least x distance from your current location" mechanic already - some of the single player challenges revolve around this.Con's There is a chance your server may go offline or become unstable/laggy as you approach a high-value loot target. If the server does recover and you are forced to swap, you will be loot supressed even though you never looted anything. There is a slight "work-around" where players could take turns looting on servers, so a group of 5 could loot 5 different servers before every team member has loot suppression.Personally I believe the Pro's outweigh the Con's and that this would be an effective and simple solution to an issue that creates a lot of "meta" type gameplay around high-value loot spots. Players would now be strongly encouraged to remain on a single server and travel efficiently from one loot area to the next instead of jumping from one server to another and continually looting the same place.Edit, to clarify: I'm not suggesting loot disappear, only that the "suppressed" player be unable to pick it up. So nearby players would be unaffected. This creates a loophole (see my 2nd con), but still effectively puts the pinch on most incidents of server-hopping and greatly reduce it's presence in the game.I have discoverd a far less intrusive manner to fix the "issue" this solution doesn't affect anyones style of play or ability to aquire gear it allows for total personal freedom and fixes everything it goes....MIND YOUR OWN BUISNESS...I have never worried about what loot anyone else has but me, I search for what I need and take whatever steps necessary to aquire it. If only the kiddies would get around to learning the spawns points by reading the Day Z wiki they could drop this nonsensical topic....if your complaining about not finding anything there is no way you have moved out of the basic spawns in the costal cities I go to the interior towns and not only don't see people I can loot with reckless abandon with minimal zombie interference this is a learn to play issue only... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thorgold 91 Posted July 1, 2012 1. This is not a realistic survival simulator....2. Pointing out people have lives beyond video games must be a revelation to you. must be one of those players that doesn't know the map or spawns beyond the 2 coast cities3. Exactly thatDay Z Wiki read it learn it love it....1. When I say realistic' date=' I mean relatively. Besides your childish examples of lack of realism, there are infinite ways DayZ is unrealistic - but it's damn close, despite the concessions made by Rocket.Part of the realism provided by DayZ is, primarily, the continuity of a player and the servers. Your arguments that people who server-hop are looking for "ideal conditions" is bullshit - the conditions are posted on the server selection menu, just read the title. Ping, server time, etc. are all displayed before you ever click join, so saying "GAWD I JUST SERVER HOP FOR DAYTIME" is a lazy excuse - especially since, by game logic, you shouldn't be logging in in high-loot areas!2. I'm not going to acknowledge that immature shot at my personal life, but rather focus on the "dozens of other loot spots." You said earlier that loot hoppers don't affect me in any way, so I should stop crying about it. But if a loot hopper has NWA locked down with wire, that forces me to waste my [i']own time backtracking to another loot spot. Sure, there are other places to get M240s besides NWA... a good half hour walk away, plus zombie and player danger!So do only those who server hop have the right to their time? Am I supposed to forfeit my own time and leisure so that they, the "poor college students with an hour or so to play," can farm a spawn point? Who says I'm not a college student who's making time to play, and now I can't play effectively?Your logic is faulty. Yes, there are other loot spots, but by going to those spots we essentially concede that loot hoppers have precedence to high-rate spawn locations and their time is more important than ours, which is inherently unjust.3. Very mature. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted July 1, 2012 Everyone just ignore him and maybe he will go away. He's obviously not actually reading the posts he's responding to, so it's pointless engaging him in the discussion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thorgold 91 Posted July 1, 2012 Agreed. Couldn't let him have the last word on that last one, sorry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnSmeeth 5 Posted July 1, 2012 So' date=' to summarize your two posts:1. In a realistic survival simulator, players switching between alternate dimensions for loot is a legitimate play strategy2. Pointing out the faults of dimension-hopping is just a crybaby excuse for not having good gear3. LRN2PLAYNUBNormally, I'd respond to your thesis with a simple hand gestue involving the second finger from my thumb. Unfortunately, the internet doesn't allow for that yet.Server hopping is not "part of the game." This isn't some cheesy MMO, so your comparison to Diablo "goblin farming" is absolutely moot. Server hopping is as much a part of DayZ as toddlers pissing in the pool is to swimming - yes, it's [i']possible, but it's something that's discouraged and prevented at all costs.Loot hopping is almost as bad as combat logging - it's exploiting the nature of DayZ as a game in order to cheat game events. Got shot? Log out and heal in another server. No sniper in this building? BAWWW, switch servers till you find one.Your arguments about "BAWWW, THESE PLAYERS ARE CAMPING SPAWNS, I CAN'T GET MY DMR" are counterintuitive and childish. This is a complaint about a legitimate game problem and a nonintrusive solution to the problem. Methinks you're an offender, given your response.Anyway, regarding the suggestion itself. I think the idea is great, and the only tweaks needed would be details - is 1500m too far or too short? Is 10 minutes sufficient instead? Just a few tweaks that could be verified by gameplay.1. This is not a realistic survival simulator....How do you eat cans of beans without a canopener? How does a person with no prior experience know how to build a helicopter or a car or an atv from a few spare parts? Not to mention fly said helo...Why would random people in a zombie apocalypse be pro at shooting high end military weapons including sniper rifles without a spotter?Why would an injection of morphine cure a broken leg? Morphine is for pain only and slows the heart rate but will not mend bones in real life...Why would getting slapped in the face by someone cause me to bleed more gallons of blood then the human body contains... (you have approx 2 2 liters of soda worth of blood give or take thats it)Ohh I have the answer this isnt realistic it is a game......Direct quote form rocket - "This mod is not about realism. Realistic combat? I was a soldier, it's fucking boring 99% of the time. This mod is designed to have the authenticity required to model and produce some authentic emotional responses.Reality has many concessions made against it in order to achieve this authenticity in the brief time a player is present in the world". ...the point of a game is to have fun not play by any predefined rule set you have imagined in your mothers basement... 2. Pointing out people have lives beyond video games must be a revelation to you. People want to play when the want how they want and it is none of your buisness. If someone wants to play only in daytime conditions it is their perogative to hop onto a day time server when they want not yours, mind your own buisness. How does anyone elses playstyle or gear effect you?Ohh I have the must be one of those players that doesn't know the map or spawns beyond the 2 coast cities ...let me inform you there are over a dozen deer stands 3 airports and many interior cities not to mention the random on every server helo crash site to scout for gear if you are telling me that there are 16 plus server hopppers farming them all I can't believe that. I'm guessing you are either too lazy to go find the other spawns or you assume gear should be waiting for you every time. Guess what in an average server of 50 people you got a 1 in 50 chance of finding any loot at a particular spawn ...those are not good odds add to it that in the .2 patch there will be larger servers and more zombies that see beter and loot will be even more rare. Get that lube ready if your hurting now it is about to get worse....3. Exactly thatDay Z Wiki read it learn it love it....Sorry but there is such a thing as :: open tab :: on cans of bean. Google it. :cool: Also you can use a number of tools/objects to break open a can of beans.Currently things are not "realistic" but the game is trying to be as much to real life as possible at faster speeds (so things don't get boring). Example would be: Just because morphine fixes broken legs now doesn't mean it won't be changed so that the person use a splint later on. Do the person have to set their own bones in place? The question becomes what DEGREE of realism does Rocket want/and is feasible to play the game. Which mechanic should be put in the game what to leave out (sleeping, taking a crap, etc). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kwhy (DayZ) 6 Posted July 1, 2012 For me the only people that really seem to be effected by this are hoping servers in hopes to just immediately be able to run and grab.I don't see how a *loot penalty* that would happen when logging in before 30 mins on another server would really hurt anyone that is legitimately playing this game especially since your also giving them the option to move 1500m or wait the 20 mins.So whats the jog speed in DayZ or Arma like 5 m/s (found off google for Arma 2 The jogging speed is 5.5m/s in ArmA 2 OA 1.52?)1500m / 5m/1s = 300 seconds * 1min/60 seconds = 5 thats like 5 mins of jog time? (someone chime in if this is wrong)so either sit still and wait 20 mins or jog for 5 mins and your clear to grab whatever you want.For me this is a no brainer, but I also don't see why people really need to be logging into 16+ different servers each night unless they are gaming the system in the first place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thorgold 91 Posted July 1, 2012 Technically, the 1500m distance would be a 10 minute jog - you'd have to get 1500m away, which means you'd have to run 1500m back. Also, you have to include the fact that you won't be going 5.5 m/s - you'll be dodging zombies and other such stuff.In retrospect, I think something like 750m would be more appropriate, but like I said in one of my posts - only testing would see what's best at this level of detail. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
earion 3 Posted July 1, 2012 No. I and many other people' date=' when browsing servers, will very quickly leave if it doesn't have conditions we find suitable. If I log in to a server and it's pitch black night, I'll leave within seconds.Yet with this feature I'll find my loot suppressed.[/quote']Okay, fine. So what? You're not going to die if you can't loot the insant you login to the game, right? 1500m is a 5 minute run. Not so much to ask in order to resolve a relatively serious issue in the game, right?You're completely free to find a suitable server, but once you get on it's not imperative that you immediately start picking up loot in the vicinity. If you were actually playing to survive you wouldn't be logging that close to loot anyway - it's incredibly dangerous and only really makes sense if you are either forced offline by mitigating circumstances (rare) or specifically trying to farm loot.A lot of people take advantage of remote deer stands - up ladder, loot, down ladder, relog, up ladder, loot, down ladder... ugh.When someone server-logs for loot, it doesn't affect you personally.This is complete and absolute hogwash! I'm effected in a variety of ways personally, some very severe from a game play standpoint:First, it exponentially increases the rates of player logins near high value loot. So while I'm playing - legitimately moving from town-to-town to find loot - I am constantly under threat from people popping into existence behind me because they find it more efficient to server-hop to loot the same location over and over.This has a huge impact on tactical game play mechanics. If I approach a high-value loot location, carefully scouting every possible approach and then "clearing" the building, I should have some assurances that I'm not going to be ambushed by someone logging in behind me.Yes, this will still happen randomly from "fresh" spawns, but the rates will go down by orders of magnitude if we make it less profitable to server hop for loot.See this thread for an in-depth discussion on the many issues caused by frequent logins.Second, server-hopping detracts from the persistence in the world. Instead of a 225km^2 map where people are traveling from place-to-place to vye for limited resources, you have ~6 "hot spots" in the game where people spend all day constantly server hopping in an attempt to gather loot or murder those who are.Once towns or camps are "looted out" and players know they can't simply swap servers to loot the whole place again, they will be forced to travel to another location. This creates a more interesting world, and a more fluid game experience. Players tend to stay on the same server longer, and you can track enemies, be tracked, and engage in more long-term interactions than you can in a world where ~50% of any given server population are just "popping in for a quick visit don't mind me I'll just grab my loot and be off."Likewise, players who camp hotspots waiting for loot farmers to login only to snipe them before their client finishes loading would find far fewer targets - and they might actually have to get up and move around a bit and use their brains to find targets instead of just sitting AFK with their sniper scope trained on the Stary Sobor military tents while they watch Netflix and eat cocoa puffs.Incidentally this also adds more value to vehicles. Once you actually need to travel to effectively gather loot, vehicles will be even higher value assets.Third, in this game's extremely competitive environment it is important to understand the flow of high-value loot and the impact it has on the prevalance of certain items, weapon types, etc. I am personally effected if design decisions are being made about spawn rates and item rarity based on the game when it allows for such a watered-down, cheap and largely challenge-free method for collecting large amounts of loot in a repetitive manner.Don't penalize people like me, who log out frequently just because you don't like other people getting more cans of soup than you do.Don't over-simplify a rather complex issue in order to dismiss a solution that isn't that much of a "penalty" for anyone who is not specifically and directly abusing the system on a regular basis. Again, a 1500m jog is not too much to ask. Just enough to make it annoying for exploiters without really inconveniencing legitimate players much in the process.I laughed. A lot. But I'm a bit scared at the idea that people may not realize to what extent the guy you were answering to ridiculously failed to make a point.IT'S NOT FAAAAAAIR !!!1. This is not a realistic survival simulator....How do you eat cans of beans without a canopener? HAHA ! GOTCHA ! Really... Do you seriously believe you made any kind of point there ? It's so cute. I found that line very moving. I'm even thinking about starting a thread in the suggestion forum titled "Please' date=' rocket, for the sake of realism, give Hendrix a canopener". How does a person with no prior experience know how to build a helicopter or a car or an atv from a few spare parts? Not to mention fly said helo...Why would random people in a zombie apocalypse be pro at shooting high end military weapons including sniper rifles without a spotter?HAHA ! The difficult questions now. Well, how come you know for sure that same person has no prior experience of shooting, reparing, flying ... ? Who said that ?Why would an injection of morphine cure a broken leg? Morphine is for pain only and slows the heart rate but will not mend bones in real life...Why would getting slapped in the face by someone cause me to bleed more gallons of blood then the human body contains... (you have approx 2 2 liters of soda worth of blood give or take thats it)Ohh I have the answer this isnt realistic it is a game......Oh' date=' after 10 lines of BS, now you're having legitimate concerns. Too bad they're still totally off-topic. Topic : server hoping. For loot. To backstab. To avoid death. Bad. Has to go. I won't even continue commenting on the rest of your rubbish except this particular piece, which I'll never forget :Guess what in an average server of 50 people you got a 1 in 50 chance of finding any loot at a particular spawn That is a really, really cute way of understanding probabilities ! I suggest you find a position ASAP as a risk analyst in a major financial institution, they definitely need more people like you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steve McAwesome 6 Posted July 2, 2012 So what if I'm scouting a location and someone spawns in 'loot locked ' do I still see loot but they don't? Does my loot dissapear because they are server hopping? do still have access to the loot that should rightfully be mine? I feel like you didn't think this through before posting it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 28 Posted July 2, 2012 I think a better solution is a simple 2-3 min despawn timer. This would also stop people from despawning just to escape zombies/humans. Your way in no way stops them from despawning if they are getting killed only to gain loot. Simple make it 3 min despawn and if they hit about etc. the can move around protect for 2-3 min. If they alt f4 make their body stay for the 3 min and they will more than likely be dead like they probably should of been before hitting alt 4f. Only negative I see to this is the current bugs with falling out of helicopters those people alt f4ing to possible save them self is reasonable imo just because the only reason they are dieing is a bug lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maizel 1 Posted July 2, 2012 It's a good idea, though 'innocents' will undoubtly be affected by it. But in this case I think the ends justify the means. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites