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DayzDoubleTap.com|OverpochChernarus |Militarised |Deploy Mossie |Gems

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Server IP

Daily Active Admins! - An Admin will be on each and every day unless otherwise noted on the site.

infiSTAR AntiHack

50 Slots

4 Hour Restarts

Every New Player gets 1 Brief and one TP to Stary. Sign up on our website and receive another free brief! www.dayzdoubletap.com

Toolbox Spawns Bike and Mossie with no parts required.

Militarised Tanks Chopper and Jets

Missions -Veteran with rocket launchers.

Epoch Trader City Safezones -

Customs Airfields

High Loot

Extra Barracks

Custom Traders, Gem Trader, Jet Trader, 50K Humanity Outposts for Heros and Bandits

Auto-refuel, gas stations.

Towing / Heli Lift

Bloodbag Self

Remove Parts from Vehicles

Take Clothing

Slow Zombies - 2x slower zombies.

Snap Building Pro

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This is a good server. My brother and I play here. The server is fairly new so there isn't tons of bases and crap there. The other regulars on the server are pretty laid back. There is about 8-10 players on regularly. We could always use newcomers.If you don't have any mates to play with there is usually someone that will team up with you.

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OK, so go play CoD if you want to? Some people like CoD. You don't have to cast a bad light on a server you have never played on, just because you may not find it entertaining.

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