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Depends on if the developers want more or less focus on players killing each-other. I believe they are going to make weapons significantly harder to find, especially military style ones. However with private servers and modding you will be able to find more 'tons-o-guns' servers then you can shake a stick at.

Wouldn't really matter, as long as people have guns (or weapons in general, or even just the ability to deal damage), people will kill each other, "military-style" guns just make it easier (usually).


However, it wouldn't at all benefit the game to arbitrarily remove everything from the "military" category, because it would destroy variety, asymmetric gameplay, and as has been stated before; makes getting to the end-game a lot quicker.

That, and it really wouldn't make any sense. I mean, there are military bases all over the map, and even if they removed these, - Chernarus isn't the Vatican, so what happened to all of their military gear? And even if you could argue that Chernarus was somehow completely de-militarized or every last piece of military gear was destroyed, what about the police force? Surely they'd, at the least, have some decent weapons for guards at places of importance, like airports, harbors, and cities.


I can stand behind the idea of much rarer loot (in general, not just military, but all good loot. Not all military gear is better than civilian stuff, or even good at all), but I cannot stand people who want to take out every military item in the game because "DayZ isn't ArmA".

Edited by Chaingunfighter

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I'd like to see less military gear, more police gear. After all, I feel other than maybe the MVD, the police would be the main armed presence in the larger cities. I know it's a little difficult to differentiate between the two, but there are definitely differences between the way military and police units are equipped.


On top of that, my main issue with guns since the beginning of the game (especially once the CZ75, 1911, and Ruger MKII were added) is that they don't spawn with magazines. I understand they don't want people to find a gun and immediately be able to kill people, but realistically how many people own firearms but not the magazines to them, or vice versa? Especially with pistols, it comes off as very difficult to find a gun and a matching magazine (without server hopping) because of how many of them there are now, the chances of a pistol and a matching magazine spawning are very slim, if there are (theoretically) a guaranteed magazine spawn and pistol spawn next to each other, the chances of them matching are slim, if say, a Makarov spawns, what are you more likely to find, a Makarov magazine, or one of the other 5 magazines (1911, P1, FNX, CZ75, MK II)? I'd understand if they had an unloaded magazine upon finding them, or even a chance of being loaded or having a random amount of rounds in the magazine, but finding a pistol, plus matching magazine, plus ammo is generally not worth it, it's easier to find a weapon that doesn't use a magazine or just put the effort into acquiring a rifle+magazine. I think making pistols more common than long arms, and making them spawn with magazines loaded into them would drastically change the way PvP happens in DayZ, specifically in cities (where you'd be finding most of them). Rather than being the (theoretically, again) 3 guys that found a rifle spawned somewhere in the city sitting up on a factory roof, apartment roof, or tower and shooting down at people with almost impunity, city firefights would actually become they close quarters firefights they should be, with pistol action taking place in corridors, close streets, and buildings. That's what I want to see happen with guns in DayZ.


Hopefully, with further loot changes and weapon additions we will see NATO type weapons (1911, M4, MP5, (possibly) 870, FNX) spawning specifically at helicopter crashes while making the Eastern military type weapons (AKM, AK-101, Makarov, (future) MP-133, PM73, CZ75) available only at military bases, police-grade weapons (Makarov, CZ75, (future) MP-133, PM73) spawning in Police Stations, police cars, and maybe slightly scattered around the cities here and there, while keeping the civillian-grade weapons (P1, Magnum, Ruger MKII, Mosin, SKS, Blaze 95, CR527, Longhorn, 10/22, IZH-43) continue to spawn in Civilian Housing. It might sound like that would be introducing more weapon spawns to the game, and it would, in my opinion keep weapon spawns a little more spread out in more possible (but realistic) locations, with less of a  guarantee of finding them in the "classic" spots (Airfields, Police Stations, Piano Houses, Schools) would do a lot to stop the server hopping for them.

Edited by dvsilverwing

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Wouldn't really matter, as long as people have guns (or weapons in general, or even just the ability to deal damage), people will kill each other, "military-style" guns just make it easier (usually).


However, it wouldn't at all benefit the game to arbitrarily remove everything from the "military" category, because it would destroy variety, asymmetric gameplay, and as has been stated before; makes getting to the end-game a lot quicker.

That, and it really wouldn't make any sense. I mean, there are military bases all over the map, and even if they removed these, - Chernarus isn't the Vatican, so what happened to all of their military gear? And even if you could argue that Chernarus was somehow completely de-militarized or every last piece of military gear was destroyed, what about the police force? Surely they'd, at the least, have some decent weapons for guards at places of importance, like airports, harbors, and cities.


I can stand behind the idea of much rarer loot (in general, not just military, but all good loot. Not all military gear is better than civilian stuff, or even good at all), but I cannot stand people who want to take out every military item in the game because "DayZ isn't ArmA".

I think that thats what most people want. They want guns and amo to be extremely rare, and military weapons even more so. And with item eco im sure they will be making adjustments, its a bit silly that you can take 30 minutes and have a weapon and more amo then you can handle.

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I think that thats what most people want. They want guns and amo to be extremely rare, and military weapons even more so. And with item eco im sure they will be making adjustments, its a bit silly that you can take 30 minutes and have a weapon and more amo then you can handle.


I don't think firearms and their ammunition should be rare at all, it would really detract from the experience and combat in my opinion. That being said, I do believe that military-grade weapons should definitely be harder to come by than they currently are (somewhat mentioned in my prior post). Rarely in say, Berezino, do you have engagements that have both people armed with pistols or civillian-grade weapons anymore. It's far more common to have some chump that ran up to the airfield, hopped servers 5 times and got himself kitted out with an Assault Rifle, then comes back down to the city just to engage people with inferior gear, whether that be civilian-grade firearms (usually a Mosin, Blaze, IZH-43, maybe an SKS, or if you're extremely lucky/hopped a few times a CR527 with a magazine or two or a pistol with a matching magazine) or just people with melee weapons, or even worse and less skill-requiring a spawn town where nobody's really armed at all.

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I don't think firearms and their ammunition should be rare at all, it would really detract from the experience and combat in my opinion. That being said, I do believe that military-grade weapons should definitely be harder to come by than they currently are (somewhat mentioned in my prior post). Rarely in say, Berezino, do you have engagements that have both people armed with pistols or civillian-grade weapons anymore. It's far more common to have some chump that ran up to the airfield, hopped servers 5 times and got himself kitted out with an Assault Rifle, then comes back down to the city just to engage people with inferior gear, whether that be civilian-grade firearms (usually a Mosin, Blaze, IZH-43, maybe an SKS, or if you're extremely lucky/hopped a few times a CR527 with a magazine or two or a pistol with a matching magazine) or just people with melee weapons, or even worse and less skill-requiring a spawn town where nobody's really armed at all.

I think that when we are starving, freezing to death, and worried about hords of zombies we wont need to have combat as the only thing to entertain us.

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I think that when we are starving, freezing to death, and worried about hords of zombies we wont need to have combat as the only thing to entertain us.


Do you genuinely believe you'll ever be able to run through Berezino, Elektro, or Cherno in a full server without being engaged by someone, even if they implement those things? Keep dreaming.


If anything, making resources like food and water scarcer will likely increase PvP and the KoS mentality. Now, people KoS for fun or because they want a piece or two of the gear you're carrying, when that's implemented they'll KoS because they want the consumables you have that they need to survive, or to remove any competition in looting the town of its resources.


No offense or anything. I just think you're giving far too much credit to the current playerbase. You're talking about a community in which 50% of the players go to new spawn locations with an AR just to have fun racking up kills.

Edited by dvsilverwing

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Let's be more radical and remove all firearms!

Everybody would run with knives, hatchets, sharp sticks and top ranged weapon would be a bow or stone.


Hmm nah, I think I will pass.

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Do you genuinely believe you'll ever be able to run through Berezino, Elektro, or Cherno in a full server without being engaged by someone, even if they implement those things? Keep dreaming.


If anything, making resources like food and water scarcer will likely increase PvP and the KoS mentality. Now, people KoS for fun or because they want a piece or two of the gear you're carrying, when that's implemented they'll KoS because they want the consumables you have that they need to survive, or to remove any competition in looting the town of its resources.


No offense or anything. I just think you're giving far too much credit to the current playerbase. You're talking about a community in which 50% of the players go to new spawn locations with an AR just to have fun racking up kills.

Brings me to the point, why would you ever run through the hottest towns in the game without a way to protect yourself?

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I don't think firearms and their ammunition should be rare at all, it would really detract from the experience and combat in my opinion.


What if combat is not the main focus of the game ? what if survival is and later on base building and sustenance ?

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Brings me to the point, why would you ever run through the hottest towns in the game without a way to protect yourself?

You are taking a purely theoretical statement out of context.

Plus, are you going to build a firearm from sticks? Get one from an airfield instead? Or procure them from a magical weapon spawn that nobody hops?... Oh, or hop yourself for one?

You've never gone Bambi into a large city to acquire a weapon, then? Are you just a hermit in the forest or something?

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What if combat is not the main focus of the game ? what if survival is and later on base building and sustenance ?


Then all the Wasteland nuts would stop playing the game lol.

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I think that thats what most people want. They want guns and amo to be extremely rare, and military weapons even more so. And with item eco im sure they will be making adjustments, its a bit silly that you can take 30 minutes and have a weapon and more amo then you can handle.

There's no "that's what most people want", because everyone believes that what they want is what most people want. Just because a large group of people on the forums and/or reddit agree with the same idea, does not suddenly make it the majority idea.

Based on what happened with the mod, I'd like to believe that most people would actually prefer it if they made guns, ammunition, and gear in general more common, so they didn't have to take as long to get ready to go fight. However, MOST people would probably keep playing either way, and don't have a strong opinion on what should happen (or don't care about it enough.)


I think people are a bit misconceived about the loot economy. I highly doubt anything that's already in game will be a part of it, simply because it already spawns. Yet still I see people who want the SKS & Mosin to be centralized items with only like 10,000 across the board. That's ridiculous.

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How do you think this would impact the game?



I would wait until I was a lot closer to you before using the shotgun.

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I think people are a bit misconceived about the loot economy. I highly doubt anything that's already in game will be a part of it, simply because it already spawns. Yet still I see people who want the SKS & Mosin to be centralized items with only like 10,000 across the board. That's ridiculous.


How is that crazy ?


I am for every single thing that spawns to be centralized and restricted fine tuned by the devs to keep the players in a constant state of desperation.


What would be the point of guns if they were reliably found. Restricting even the sks and mosin would not only help make for a more tense game but it would also cut down on the cheaters due to dupes being identified immediately.

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How is that crazy ?


I am for every single thing that spawns to be centralized and restricted fine tuned by the devs to keep the players in a constant state of desperation.


What would be the point of guns if they were reliably found. Restricting even the sks and mosin would not only help make for a more tense game but it would also cut down on the cheaters due to dupes being identified immediately.

In a game with many tens of thousands of players, I don't think that having ONLY 10,000 across EVERY SINGLE server would be beneficial. They'd have to put guns like that in the many hundreds of thousands, but at the point that they're still going to be common, there's no point in putting them on the system.


Gunplay is a large part of the game, and should remain a large part of the game. Finding another person with a rifle, or even a rifle yourself, shouldn't be some "this only happens once every 3 months I play" incident, but something fairly regular. The game isn't going to be more tense just because everyone is forced to use melee weapons, the only reason I'll be tense is that I know that certain extremely powerful weapons exist and people out there MAY have them. Otherwise, a person with an axe can deal just as much damage as a person with a Sporter-22.


The whole point of guns is that they are the central focus of weaponry. Melee weapons are more common, but as a whole aren't main-line weapons. Bows, crossbows, and other unorthodox weapons are just that - unorthodox. They're not standard, but depending on your playstyle, can offer a very powerful set of alternatives to firearms, the main thing being that they use much less noise, with obviously differentiable factors within them (like the Crossbow being a rarer but longer ranged and more modular weapon than the bow)


I can't say whether the game would really be more tense because even the lowest end rifles are managed, because you could just as easily say that it's more tense knowing that everyone else is just as easily equipped as you are. That, and I'd be worried when I encounter someone either way, the spawn chance affects me not.


I believe that the devs have stated that they're waiting for duplication & other item bugs to be fixed before they go further with loot centralization, so I honestly doubt that people with duped cans of Pipsi are going to be a huge problem. Even if they were, the more Mosins and SKS rifles you allow in the game, the harder it becomes to detect. If they have 100,000 Mosins across the board, detecting a duplicated one isn't going to be so easy.


Now, if you're trying to say that every item should be MONITORED on the global system, then that I can agree upon. However, I don't think every single item in the game needs to have a set limit, leave that for the rare stuff.

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In a game with many tens of thousands of players, I don't think that having ONLY 10,000 across EVERY SINGLE server would be beneficial. They'd have to put guns like that in the many hundreds of thousands, but at the point that they're still going to be common, there's no point in putting them on the system.


Gunplay is a large part of the game, and should remain a large part of the game. Finding another person with a rifle, or even a rifle yourself, shouldn't be some "this only happens once every 3 months I play" incident, but something fairly regular. The game isn't going to be more tense just because everyone is forced to use melee weapons, the only reason I'll be tense is that I know that certain extremely powerful weapons exist and people out there MAY have them. Otherwise, a person with an axe can deal just as much damage as a person with a Sporter-22.


The whole point of guns is that they are the central focus of weaponry. Melee weapons are more common, but as a whole aren't main-line weapons. Bows, crossbows, and other unorthodox weapons are just that - unorthodox. They're not standard, but depending on your playstyle, can offer a very powerful set of alternatives to firearms, the main thing being that they use much less noise, with obviously differentiable factors within them (like the Crossbow being a rarer but longer ranged and more modular weapon than the bow)


I can't say whether the game would really be more tense because even the lowest end rifles are managed, because you could just as easily say that it's more tense knowing that everyone else is just as easily equipped as you are. That, and I'd be worried when I encounter someone either way, the spawn chance affects me not.


I believe that the devs have stated that they're waiting for duplication & other item bugs to be fixed before they go further with loot centralization, so I honestly doubt that people with duped cans of Pipsi are going to be a huge problem. Even if they were, the more Mosins and SKS rifles you allow in the game, the harder it becomes to detect. If they have 100,000 Mosins across the board, detecting a duplicated one isn't going to be so easy.


Now, if you're trying to say that every item should be MONITORED on the global system, then that I can agree upon. However, I don't think every single item in the game needs to have a set limit, leave that for the rare stuff.


I am not saying those should be ultra rare.


I am saying having the mosin and the sks be controlled through the central server brings forth far too many benefit to ignore.


They can control them through the central loot system and still make them abundant or not but the reason why it would be good is because they can cut down on dupping, they can see how players are playing the game and fine tune the loot by increasing or decreasing the total numbers of items.


It just gives them a huge tool to potentially improve gameplay.


For this very reason  I think everything should be loot restricted through the system even canned food.

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I am not saying those should be ultra rare.


I am saying having the mosin and the sks be controlled through the central server brings forth far too many benefit to ignore.


They can control them through the central loot system and still make them abundant or not but the reason why it would be good is because they can cut down on dupping, they can see how players are playing the game and fine tune the loot by increasing or decreasing the total numbers of items.


It just gives them a huge tool to potentially improve gameplay.


For this very reason  I think everything should be loot restricted through the system even canned food.

Okay, yeah, I can agree to that.


I think I misunderstood what you said, because I was sitting there, contemplating; "he really wants there to be only 100 kitchen knives in the entire game?" Sorry 'bout that.


Though I think items like food, clothes, and "common" guns should probably be controlled by the server, while rare loot is actually held centrally across the board, just because you could still have some conflicts with even common items maxing out because they spawn on empty servers or when people briefly server hop. At least until people are allowed to mod and make their own changes to the loot system, then I don't really care what the developers do with it.

Edited by Chaingunfighter

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Okay, yeah, I can agree to that.


I think I misunderstood what you said, because I was sitting there, contemplating; "he really wants there to be only 100 kitchen knives in the entire game?" Sorry 'bout that.


Though I think items like food, clothes, and "common" guns should probably be controlled by the server, while rare loot is actually held centrally across the board, just because you could still have some conflicts with even common items maxing out because they spawn on empty servers or when people briefly server hop. At least until people are allowed to mod and make their own changes to the loot system, then I don't really care what the developers do with it.


ahaha no.


I would just love a system where every single item is controlled and more importantly assigned a serial number so that duplicates can be quickly found and the duppers swiftly banned.


The plus side is the devs have finer control on how the gameplay is by fine tuning the spawn rates and by only have a certain number of items in the game.

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ahaha no.


I would just love a system where every single item is controlled and more importantly assigned a serial number so that duplicates can be quickly found and the duppers swiftly banned.


The plus side is the devs have finer control on how the gameplay is by fine tuning the spawn rates and by only have a certain number of items in the game.

I can agree to that.

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wow, just wow. the reason I gave up men years ago. my father must have been the last gentleman because there is a distinct lack around here.


Thank you for generalizing, I'll be sure to tell everyone at the next Every Guy In The World Except Elle's Dad Apparently meeting that we can cross you off our list. Also, we must have unwittingly discovered a portal in the space-time continuum, using a topic from present day to turn you off men several years in the past. 

Edited by Sacha

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