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Problems with admin's tools and a heavy harass

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I tried to solve the problem several times before i decided to open this topic. I hope you could help me.

We bought a server for our clan and a reknown italian cheater decided to ruin our gaming experience.

He started to join our server weeks ago and now he's repeating the process each day because we kindly asked him not to play again on our server.

He joins the server and uses cheating programs to spot our position, teleports and kill all our clan members.
We have no doubt about his identity because after doing this, he contacts us on steam and laugh about the fact that we can't do anything to stop him .

I tried to report his primary account on steam but we received no answers. ( and i still think he's using family access to change his identity on steam )

Actually admin's tools are not enough to find and definitely ban a player on the server and i'm starting to think that he was right.

My question is : We really can do nothing to stop this daily harass ?
I hope you could help me because this fact is forcing my clanmates not to play the game and we cannot benefit from a server we are paying a lot.

I apologize for my bad english and hope for an answer.

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You can report him to VAC with screenshots, videos, server logs.. or whatever other evidence you may have, and something WILL be done about it.

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