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4 Choppers = Good Haul

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So me and a friend get on for a few hours today, and after a relatively uneventful start at the northwest airbase, we head east to find a chopper conveniently crashed within an enfield shot away. After a short recon, we approach and find a DMR (Mine), and an empty Bizon SD... My friend found some NVGs which I had totally missed... whatever though.

Anyway, we reflected on our luck and continued east to our destination, berezino/NEAirfield area, briefly hit Starry, and bugged out without incident. Along the powerlines we were following, I spotted a SECOND Chopper. This one yielded an M107 (one mag), and a Mk 48 Camo, the latter of which my friend promptly snagged.

Cutting through the woods eastward again, we go through gorka, looking for camo and cans, once again reflecting on a lucky day of loot, when, lo, in the distance, east, just halfway up the hill south of the gas station out of Gorka, is a THIRD Chopper. Not long after I spot it though, I hear an AK firing, and hit the deck. A quick evaluation reveals that a lone gunman is trying to take out the zombies surrounding the chopper, and a quick shot from a DMR at 500+ meters sends him running.

I'm not experienced with sniping very much, and I'm used to being able to zero, so yes, I missed. However, I had reason to believe he was alone, and knew he had an AKM, we had him outnumbered, outranged and outgunned, so we assumed cover in a treeline, and slowly worked our way around to the south. A few minutes passed, we had heard sporadic firing, but that quickly died out. We had worked our way perhaps fifty meters southeast, keeping a sharp eye out. Another few minutes and we noticed that the zombies had respawned around the chopper, and I heard more AKM fire.

To My surprise, I saw the same player approaching the chopper again, killing zombies and then began to LOOT the chopper. I almost laughed out loud at this guy, as I fired again. The range got the better of me again, and I got him in the pelvic area. My friend moved in to finish him, told me he thought his leg had broken, and then told me he logged out.

We camped for a few minutes and looted an M14 and some FN Fal mags off the place, then met up with my friends brother, who lead us to a fourth chopper, which seemed fairly well picked over. All in all, a pretty good day.

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Me and a friend found a chopper at NW Airfield.


2x FN Fal with like 10 mags

M4A1 CCOG SD with like 3 mags

M24 AIM with 1 mag

Medical supplies (minus blood bag, dunno if they spawn at choppers anyways)

Grabbed the M4A1 ofc, and found loads of ammo inside the barracks at the airfield.

M8 had a DMR so he didn't pick up the M24.

Before using the M4A1, I tried testing out the FN Fal on zombies nearby. I know this was extremely stupid, but hey, free ammo to increase zombie kill count, and it was morning time, so only like 4 players except us on the server. I liked it, but for survival reasons, I favor the M4A1 CCOG SD.

I hope we'll find a new one when heading to Stary...

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are you sure it was an M24, theres the M24 and then theres the M14 AIM.

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