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Looking for Portuguese people to group

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Like the title says, im looking for portuguese people to join my group. I am playing with my IRL friend and we have already gather some good things from our journey but we need some more people to continue our mission of surviving in this land. Holla if you are interested.



Como o tópico diz, estou há procura de jogadores portugueses para juntarem-se ao meu grupo, neste momento tenho mais uma pessoa comigo que já joga há 1 semana e já conseguimos arranjar muitas coisas boas para nós mas precisamos de mais pessoal para continuarmos esta missão de sobrevivência. Se estiverem interessados mandem PM .


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Ora viva. Eu sou Portugues :)

I'm a member of the Chernarus Quarantine Force. We've got members from all over the world.

Check out our thread or jump in on our ts3 server sometime if you wanna have a chat.

Everybody's helpful and friendly here.

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Boas sim era genial haver bons lusitanos a sobreviverem comigo. Sou completamente noob no entanto (-.-') Comprei agr o jogo e a 1a coisa que fiz foi precisamente procurar quem jogar. Mas desenrasco-me bem não te preocupes. PM e a gente há de se ajudar. cumps

Hail yes it would be great to have some brave portugueses to survive with me. I'm completely noob though. I've just bought the game and the 1st thing I 've done is precisly search for someone to play with. I'll be able to handle myself don't worry. PM me and we ough to help each other.

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I'm portuguese but I play with an UK team. It would be nice to play with one portuguese in the team for a change. Add me on Steam: joaodotcorreia

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