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Dayz Of the Dead - EPOCH Napf - with more than a few basic's

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Dayz of the Dead


Server Details

50 player Server
DayZ Epoch Napf


NOTE Dayz Commanders is having a problem finding some servers an alt to this is to get

Dayz Launcher http://dayzlauncher.com/


* Map, Napf by MoMo Map is 4x the size of Chernarus.
* Tons of new buildings
* New custom central Hive system
* Customized Base Building
* DayZAi ..  Spawns in Towns/Cities etc..
* House lighting  **                 Feature plan
* Towing
* Trader Safe Zones

* Safes (Lockable)

* Lockable Vehicles
* German and Swiss weaponry
* Tons of new vehicles about 150 on the map.
* Vehicle Scavenging/Fuel Siphoning
* Crafting
* AI Missions

*Donation Perks!

Every week goes buy we are constantly adding more features


The admins play activly and are here to help..  just starting out?  find the admin camp and we'll give you a boost :)

come join us and find out why people love this server! :)


Server Details

50 player Server
DayZ Epoch Napf


NOTE Dayz Commanders is having a problem finding some servers an alt to this is to get

Dayz Launcher http://dayzlauncher.com/

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