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guns i got none

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now world fix finally but problem remains is the bin\config.bin/cfgweapons

i need that to be fixed so i can shoot those zombie that killed me

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That isn't a problem. You just hit "OK" and continue on with the game. It makes no difference

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what really stupid is that game has not gotten update to fix this little bugs from car error to weapons come on if they where going to repair it they fix map problem but not the missing guns business

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mod is still in alpha. there will be bugs that is one of them. hopefully when it reaches beta or gold release this will be fixed. i get it sometimes.

there are workarounds to resolve this issue.

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The error is he talking about DOESN'T EFFECT anything with the Game. Its an irrelevant error, he is trying to say the reason he has no guns is because of this, not because he has poor luck or is looking in the wrong places

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yeah dude just look harder for weapons, i get that error all the time, yet i still have all my weapons and i can still find weapons....

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