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CGN| DayZ Overpoch Chernarus |GOLD COINS|NO LAG|Custom Cities|Ai-Missions|Towing/Lifting|Service Stations|No Weight|Mature Active/Helpful Admins

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  • DayZ Overpoch Cherno - (1.63/125548/

  • TeamSpeak 3 Server:


Server Restarts Every 3 Hours and Every 3rd Restart is a Full Night TIme Cycle

Server Events Every Friday @7:00 PM EST


  • Starting Loadout: USP with 2 clips, Flashlight, 2 Bandages, Toolbox, Painkillers, Morphine, Scrap Metal, Toolbox

  • Gold Coins: No more needing to convert Silver to Gold, All traders sell and buy in Gold Coins, Safes and Lockboxes include online banking, Banks can be accessed at Building Supply Traders

500+ Vehicles

Self Bloodbag (Right Click Bloodbag)

Set View DIstance: Right Click on your Binocs and set view distance from 250-2000 meters. Lower View Distance for increased FPS for people with older rigs

Ai Missions: Ranging from Easy to Extreme in Difficulty, there is 3 missions running at any one time with lots of loot.

Free Refuel: At all Fuel stations, simply scroll wheel and select refuel

Repair & Rearm: At all Fuel Stations, they cost gold so come prepared (Have to be in gunner position)

Deploy Bike/Motorcycle/Mozzie: Bikes are free when spawning in, Motorcycle and Mozzie require additional parts

Safe Zones: At all traders marked on the map, includes god mode, speed limit, backpack safety, zombie free, and Ai Free

Restart Warnings: There is 1 Hour, 30 Minute, 5 Minute, 1 Minute Restart Warnings

Custom Player HUD: Shows zombie kills, murders, bandit kills, gold coins carried, bank amount, uptime

Take Clothes: Remove clothes from dead bodies (Ai, Player and your own dead body)

Fresh Database: Database is less than 2 weeks old with only a small number of player bases

Overwatch Weapons: All Overwatch Weapons are at traders 

Build Snapping: Get tired of constantly having to try and line buildables up? Use build snapping

Lift & Tow: Works with most vehicles and more being tested, no daisy chaining

GEM's: All Gem's are trade able at traders 

Custom Buildings: We have added Custom Buildings to key loot areas and are working on adding an Ai Base

NO LAG: Many optimizations have been made to the server, we use Vert Hosting which has the highest quality of servers, and we do not lag like the other "high end" servers


Getting On

  • DayZLauncher.com Fully works and we recommend using it

  • Mods needed are DayZ Epoch, and Overwatch 0.2.5

DayZ Commander Launch Parameters I use and work are -noSplash -noPause -cpuCount=8 -exThreads=7 @DayZOverwatch;

If you have problems getting on message me or post on this topic

Edited by Chief501st

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