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Extremely High Ping Since Last Update

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Wanted to ask for some advice please. I play on 2-3 main servers and have done for a long time as they are my clan's servers, my ping when on these is normally around 50-60ms, not great but not terrible. But since last Wednesday 27th Aug when there was a small <10MB patch/update for Stable branch, same day 0.49 hit Experimental, my ping on all these servers has gone up to 300+. I have tried a lot of other servers and repeatedly tested my connection, and even on other games. My ping is fine on other games but as soon as I connect to a DayZ server, whether located 100miles down the road or half way across the globe, my ping goes through the roof.


Anyone got any ideas and advice please.


Thanks, appreciate it.

Edited by euphoria4949

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You can try to re-set your router & flush your DNS.


Thanks for your reply, but I have literally tried everything. Updating my LAN driver, deleting and reinstalling LAN driver, Change DNS, reset router back to factory, updated router firmware, set "all" router and windows firewalls to Off, PC on a static IP and put it in DMZ mode, complete reinstall of DayZ........ literally everything that might effect it, but nothing works. :(

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