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Looking for partner/group

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Hey guys. Fairly new player to DayZ, but not a new player to FPS by any means. I'm loving this game so far solo but I'm learning that the game will be much more fun with people working together. I'm looking a partner, a few people, a group or possible a clan to join to play with. I'm a fairly easy going guy who isn't offended easily at all unless you're just totally horrendous. I can play the hero or I can play the bandit. I've done both & both are enjoyable. 


Send me a message on here or reply to this & we'll talk. :)

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yeah i will play i have unturned dayz stand alone and dayz mod for over watch and epoch my clan is very  small right now at lieast 5 ppl but if u do wanna play message me on steam and my steam is killerzombeeboy and change ur name to (ZaW) to the front of ur name please i am fairly new but on mod i kill ppl but seem to die faster then others idk why

Edited by killerzombeeboy

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The GHOST Clan is currently recruiting new members! 


We are a clan that specializes in the Dayz Epoch mod specifically. 


We own our own TeamSpeak server as well as have our own Dayz Epoch Chernarus server!


Have any further questions? PM me or send us an email at [email protected].


All you have to do is fill out the application!! ==> http://dayzghostclan.enjin.com/recruit

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