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Day Z running problems, lag or laptop?

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Sorry if this is a really stupid question, I'm new to PC gaming and computer specs etc  :blush:


So i'm not sure if it's laggy, or just my laptop. Anyway, when I get into a server, it's slow, for example, when I press a button, it'll take a few seconds for the thing to actually happen. My Laptop specs are below, any idea if it's the game or the laptop? Specs:-

Video Card 1 ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 
Manufacturer ATI 
Chipset ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 
Dedicated Memory 512 MB 
Total Memory 2.1 GB 
Video Card 2 Intel® HD Graphics 
Manufacturer Intel 
Chipset Intel® HD Graphics 
Dedicated Memory 64 MB 
Total Memory 1.7 GB 
Memory 3.9 GB 
Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit 
Service Pack 1 
Size 64 Bit 
Edition Home Premium 
Display Maximum Resolution 1366 x 768 
Drive 1
Size 446.3 GB 
Free 211.0 GB 
Drive 2
Size 19.2 GB 
Free 2.8 GB

Edited by TomMarshall

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Your laptop just isn't good enough.  In my opinion I run the game fine (over 30 frames per second) on pretty much the lowest settings, 1366 x 768, and I still think it looks good.  I have:


AMD Radeon 7670m

8GB Ram

Core i5 3210m


I don't think it would be possible to run it at playable frame rates on anything less.  It also depends on how many frames per second you're willing to put up with - some people can't cope with anything less than 60, in which case you're looking at a serious upgrade.  If you're looking for a new laptop which would run this, don't get anything with a graphics card less powerful than a Radeon 7670m or a Geforce 630m, preferably better.


And Terminal Boy:  It's not just 'because it's a laptop'.  Not everybody can afford a super rig and the people who can always seem to look down on everyone who can't.  It's not 'wrong' to play on an under-powered computer, in fact it can be fun to play around and get something working well on a low-powered laptop.  I've played PC games for nearly 20 years using low-powered computers, starting with Doom, always overclocking and messing around to try to get the best results.  This is the best computer I've ever been able to afford and I'm very happy with it.

Sorry if that wasn't what you were getting at but I'm sick to death of the snobbishness of people who don't seem to understand that a PC capable of playing games at a steady 60fps is way out of most people's affordable price range.

Edited by Jack Black

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