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making new clan for standalone and epoch

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anyone with mic and at least 13+ is welcome just me and my 2 friends im only one with mod but one has standalone with me and we all 3 have unturned looking for ppl that are willing to be bandits im a lil nice to bambi's on standalone and i like sticking to shadows and sniping but can go full out loud if needed on all 3 games but i just need a clan so its not me anymore cause by yourself just isnt fun when a group of 6 jumps u and takes ur 5 full gold briefs on epoch that u spent lik 30 minutes for but i have mic and skype just add me and message me on steam my name is killerzombeeboy on steam and skype :D clan tag (ZaW)

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anyone with mic and at least 13+ is welcome just me and my 2 friends im only one with mod but one has standalone with me and we all 3 have unturned looking for ppl that are willing to be bandits im a lil nice to bambi's on standalone and i like sticking to shadows and sniping but can go full out loud if needed on all 3 games but i just need a clan so its not me anymore cause by yourself just isnt fun when a group of 6 jumps u and takes ur 5 full gold briefs on epoch that u spent lik 30 minutes for but i have mic and skype just add me and message me on steam my name is killerzombeeboy on steam and skype :D clan tag (ZaW)

Sure Man skype me i have all three my skype is xxaceassasinxx

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