TopGun5005 0 Posted June 30, 2012 Has anyone on this server seen a helicopter? I have been told they are in and then I was told they are not. Just wondering if anyone has seen them. If they are in here I am looking to trade for one.Also I am looking to do some sort of trading on this server. I have seen some people doing honest trades on other servers like I saw someone trade a M24 for a ATV fully repaired. I would like to see if we can get this kind of system working on US 136.So lets get a list going of what people have and what they want in trade with the time they are normally on along with the area they want to meet to talk via voice or text.I know not everyone will be trust worthy and some people will get burnt and it will suck. When this happens list the players name and we can start some kind of blacklist for trades. I know there are other honest people out there who would honor trades. I am looking for these people.If you have a group of people you run around with and want to start trading things this way please Private message me and let me know what you would be interested in trading. My group leading might be getting a server up here soon and when that happens we can start using it for a center for trading weapons, and other character items.All trades can be handled via private message on the forum and then tell the person which server to meet on for the trade. As for land vehicles right now I do not have any but when I do I will be looking to trade for them or get them.I look forward to see where this thread leads.TopGun5005 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites