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Today Was A glorious Day.

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During my hunt to reconnect with my pals, I stumbled on a man, with guns and barbed wire fortified inside of a building in Cherno. He was sniping at my buddy who had been in Cherno for about 1 hour firing at survivors while the other member of our group went to loot the body. Well, I snuck up on this guy, and dropped him like Liquid. He had a whole bunch of stuff and in back of his building was a car he had been working on repairing. We had all the parts he needed to finish and slowly we fixed this car/ We drove towards Elektro where we had our headquarters on the West side in a small tree line. on our way through Elektro, we got ambushed by another group of bandits who pretty much stopped our car. They go one of our uys before the other two of our team got to the area to help us. After, a long drawn out gunfight we finally overcame the other team and made it to our base.

Causalities:Our Team: One Dead, 2 Wounded and in shock from blood loss. Enemies: All Dead and looted. One more day for survival for Shadow Group.....

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Not my idea....... lol. Thats what happens when you let your cousin who is younger than the rest of the team choose the name.

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Nah, we are usually in land from Elektro, but the guy that was doing to looting was newish and he wanted to be in Cherno. I was planning the Airfield. My sniper bud was thinging Stary Sobor. But it was the other guys choice for our set up that day. Cuz we have a different person pick the place we go each time.

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Shadow Group?

... seriously?

This lol.

Sounds funny though, I've never had my own car.

Just 2 bikes and an ATV which is currently out of fuel in the middle of friggin' nowhere. (Yay -.-)

Just a question - did you get near its top speed? Guess I reached about 90 speed with the ATV. How much have you (or any other car drivers in this thread) reach with your vehicles?

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I didn't get to drive. that's one reason why it got messed up. I was in passenger side. The one vehicle i got to drive was a big ol Bus. I only got it to like 30 before I tipped it. lol

Oh and I got our name changed. Even if it is still coming from my cousin. But i think its a little better. Blood Brothers

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