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[GUIDE] Installation Guide (Steam, Retail, Mixed, Beta, Common Errors)

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- Arma 2: Combined Operations (Arma II + Operation Arrowhead) http://www.arma2.com/shops/index_en.html#a2co

- DayZ Mod Files http://armafiles.info/dayz/

- Balls


This program will automatically download and install the latest version of DayZ Mod for you. You don't have to copy or extract anything.

1) Download the Updater from http://www.worrom.com/

2) Point at at your Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead folder.

3) Go to Steam and right click Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, go to 'Properties', 'Set Launch Options', add "-mod=@dayz -nosplash" without quotes in the target line. If you are using retail go to the Arma2:OA main directory and right-click on "Arma2OA.exe" and add "-mod=@dayz -nosplash" without quotes to the target line.

DayZ Install Tool thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2001


1) Download both ARMA 2 and ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead through Steam.

2) Run the game once before proceeding.

3) Download DayZ Mod files. http://armafiles.info/dayz/

4) Make a folder named "@DayZ" in your Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead directory.

5) Inside "@DayZ" folder create another folder named "Addons". It should look like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\Addons

6) Unpack all DayZ Mod files in the "Addons" folder.

7) Go to Steam and right click Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, go to 'Properties', 'Set Launch Options', add "-mod=@dayz -nosplash" without quotes in the target line and click OK. You can find other launch options, like windowed mode here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters

8) Run Operation Arrowhead and select "Launch ARMA 2: Combined Operations" to play the game.

If everything is installed correctly you should see "@dayz" line under "ArmA 2" on the right side of the menu screen.

Use the filter to find DayZ servers.


1) Download both ARMA 2 and ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead

2) Make sure you install the latest patch for the retail version from http://www.arma2.com/supply/game-updates

3) Run the game once before proceeding.

3) Download DayZ Mod files. http://armafiles.info/dayz/

4) Make a folder named "@DayZ" in your Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead directory.

5) Inside "@DayZ" folder create another folder named "Addons". It should look like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\Addons

6) Unpack all DayZ Mod files in the "Addons" folder.

7) Right click on ArmA2:OA.exe - create shortcut.

8) Right click on the new shortcut - properties.

9) Add "-mod=@dayz" without the quotes to the target line. You can find other launch options, like windowed mode here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters

10) Run the shortcut.

If everything is installed correctly you should see "@dayz" line under "ArmA 2" on the right side of the menu screen.

Use the filter to find DayZ servers.


1) Download and install Six-Updater from http://www.six-updater.net/

2) Go to options and make sure the target path for Operation Arrowhead main folder and mod folder is correct.

3) It should say at the bottom that you have A2 Operation Arrowhead (Combined Operations) installed.

4) Create a 'New Preset' from the 'Preset' tab in the top menu. You can name it 'DayZ'

5) Click the 'Mods' tab in the main window. In the searchbox type in '@DayZ'.

6) Right click the DayZ mod in the browser window and 'add to preset'.

7) Click on 'Home' tab and 'Install or Update mods'. It will automacitally download the latest version of the mod for you.

8) To run the game click on 'Launch the game' through Six-Updater.


1) Make sure you install the latest patch for the retail version from http://www.arma2.com/supply/game-updates Then follow the STEAM/RETAIL INSTALLATION guide.


Beta patch is backwards compatible, so you can still play on non-beta servers. If you have previous beta patches it's suggested to unistall them before installing a newer version. You can also try deleting beta subdirectory inside ARMA 2 folder manually.

1) Download and install beta patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php

2) Go to the Arma2:OA main directory and right-click on shortcut "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch". Add "-mod=@dayz" without quotes to the target line.

3) Run "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch" and enjoy playing on beta servers!


I get 'You cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.dayz_code, dayz_weapons, dayz_equip etc.'upon joining any DayZ server.

- You installed the mod or the shortcut incorrectly. Make sure you add "-mod=@dayz" without quotes in the launch options and DayZ mod files are installed in the proper folder. By default: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\Addons"

I am stuck at "Waiting for server response" or "Waiting for character to create" or "Receiving Data".

- Servers are simply being overloaded, wait a litte or try another server. If nothing works try below.

- Launch Operation Arrowhead from steam and select the option to re-install BattlEye Anti-Cheat client. If you are using retail download the latest version form http://www.battleye.com/download.html and put it in a folder named "BattlEye" in the "Expansion" folder of your Arma2:OA main directory.

- Redownload DayZ mod files and make sure you have the latest version. http://armafiles.info/dayz/

- If nothing works try reinstalling both Arma2 and OA.

I get "You can not play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cherarus" when trying to join any server.

- Make sure you launch the game as 'Combined Operations' and NOT 'Operation Arrowhead' when launching from STEAM.

When I join the server I get kicked back to the lobby without any error messages.

- Launch Operation Arrowhead from steam and select the option to re-install BattlEye Anti-Cheat client. If you are using retail download the latest version form http://www.battleye.com/download.html and put it in a folder named "BattlEye" in the "Expansion" folder of your Arma2:OA main directory.

Invisible objects, missing textures etc.

- Right click ARMA 2 in STEAM - 'Properties' - 'Local Files' - 'Verify integrity of game cache'.

- Try changing your ingame video settings.

I get other weird graphic artifacts ingame that block my screen.

- Known bug, it occurs on the barbed wire fences that players can build and should be fixed in the next patch. You can try changing your ingame video settings as a temporary fix.

How do I change my FOV (Field of View)?

- See this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?100235-Setting-up-your-FOV

I get 'ARMA2 stopped working' error on launch.

- Right click ARMA 2 in STEAM - 'Properties' - 'Local Files' - 'Verify integrity of game cache'.

- Redownload and make sure you are using the latest version of DayZ mod files.

- Try launching the game without DayZ mod, see if it works. If it does reinstall DayZ mod files.

- Try installing the latest beta patch (see above).

I can't use Direct Chat ingame. Mic is stuttering.

- Known bug. You can install the latest beta patch for Arma2:OA (see above) or wait for the official fix.

I get "No entry 'bin\config.bin\CfgVehicles\'" or similar pop-up error message when launching the game or playing on a server.

- Ignore it. It won't affect your game.

I get 'missing CBA_Main' when joining a server.

- Ignore it. It won't affect your game.


DayZ F.A.Q. http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15

Arma 2 Tweak Guide http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1355

Bug Reports Forum: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=6

Maps, Tutorials, etc.: http://www.dayzmod.info/

Unofficial Wiki: http://dayzwiki.com

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Very nice. We *needed* this in General so I moved it leaving a redirection link back in Troubleshooting so people can find it from either place. I hope you don't mind?

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Hey, so me and a couple of friends are getting this game just for DayZ, and according to this guide: http://postimage.org/image/3qjpivx9h you can get Arma2: Free and then buy Operations Arrowhead and save some money that way. However I've been unable to find any other source that says this is possible, do you know if it is? Or is there any downsides with doing it this way?

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Arma2:Free is not supported as far as I know. Some people got it working with the free version but it doesn't mean it will continue to work in the future + you will get only low-res textures and may experience bugs.

Combined Operations doesn't cost much AND you are supporting the developers.

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Hi there can you help me i have a problem with the Six updater when i put the target location to the Arma 2 folder this error message occurs:

Cannot find game exe: C:/Program Files/Bohemia Interactive/ArmA 2/TakeOnH.exe

I have no idea what the problem is and i really want to get this mod working thanks.



Found what the problem was it was that i had the profile set to some helicopter thing i then changed it to A2 OA any and it worked.

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TakeOnH.exe is from 'Take On Helicopters' game made by Bohemia. Are you sure you are pointing it at the correct Arma2:OA folder ? You need to look for Arma2OA.exe

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I have a problem nobody ever encountered yet. Each time i find a server and try to join it,it says that the maximum number of players has been reached,even if it says there are 44 players out of 50 on the server. I tryed it 20 times in a row with different servers with free slots yet it still says it! WTF

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So, it works with just ArmA 2 and Operation Arrowhead? I don't need other stuff, like Reinforcements or British Armed Forces or Private Military Company? Just wanna make sure, because if I buy OA it going to be only for DayZ and I don't wanna spend my money on game that I won't play ;).

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I went to the website and grabbed the BattlEye.dll and put it in the Arma 2 Free BattlEye folder and the OA folder Expansions-> BattlEye

Now whenever I join a server I am able to join the mission and it gets almost to where my character data is requested and then it kicks me to the server lobby without an error message. Whats the deal? are there other places I need to put it? do I not have the right files?

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Try reinstalling BattlEye again Toran.

If STEAM Launch Operation Arrowhead from steam and select the option to re-install BattlEye Anti-Cheat client.

If retail download it from http://www.battleye.com/download.html and put it in:

ArmA 2: Put these files into a folder called "BattlEye" in your ArmA 2 install directory.

OA: Put these files into a folder called "BattlEye" in the "Expansion" folder of your OA install directory

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I am still getting this post 'You cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.dayz_code, dayz_weapons, dayz_equip etc. and i have done every thing like it said but it is not working. But for some reason i see @dayz in my expansion when i start the game

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Maybe you forgot to download or extract all mod files ?

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I was asking if you ahd skype because i uninstalled dayz files and reinstalled with the installer you provided but its still not working, so i was gonna say share screens so you could see my problem.

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I was initially getting (CABuildingParts) error upon launch, now I have another problem. I purchased combined operations from Gamersgate.com. I installed Arma 2 and OA in separate folders. This was done on my E: drive, as my SSD in my C: drive did not have the space.

E:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

E:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead

I fixed the building parts error by copying the addons folder from my arma2 folder to the OA folder. I already have the @dayz>addons>mod files in the OA folder as well. Launched the game. I'm no longer getting the building parts error. I can see "Dayz" in the expansion list.

*Arma 2 is unchecked

*OA is checked

*Dayz is unchecked.

When I try to check the Dayz addon, it will not allow me to check the box to enable the mod, nor do I see the Dayz screen logo. Any suggestions?

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Are you getting any errors when joining a server pollycranopolis ? As long as you see @dayz line in the main menu you should be good to go.

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hello! Ie installed battleye about ten times, reinstalled the game twice, replaced my dayz files about five times and still i get kicked from the server when i hit "loading" as if i stop talking to server completely (red connection link showing 90% of the time)

any ideas?

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I downloaded Day z and everything

however mine is stuck on the 1.6 version

Is there any way to downgrade to the 1.5.7 or something version

so i can actually join servers?

cheers in advance...

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When i try to open it with six updater is says that my c:/program files(x86)/steam/steamapps/common/arma 2 operation arrowhead/expansion/addons/charaters_e.pbo'. is too short

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I have used the Worrom updater to install the mod and have put the launch options thing in but when I launch combined operations the command prompt comes up and gives the error message "The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value" multiple times, then the command prompt closes and nothing happens. How can I fix this?


I have fixed this problem by restarting the computer, but now when I try to connect to a server it will let me connect but when I click OK it downloads mission data and then returns me to the server list.

EDIT: I have fixed this by reinstalling BattlEye but now I have this problem:


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I already have ARMA II on steam, If I buy Operation Arrowhead on amazon download will I be able to get this mod to work?

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