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I was thinking about the removal of side chat, and came up with this (probably dumb) idea. What if you could find a radio that allowed you to talk to any other players who also have radios globally. Perhaps have a radio chat channel that you can only access if you have a radio on you.

The radio could also broadcast in an area similar to direct chat, so anyone near could hear it. Allies could listen in, and enemies could hear you approaching pr something like that.


Sorry if someone already suggested this.

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Radio- Tool, works up to 10 square kilometers.

Unlocks the 'Radio' chat channel when you have it, but does not show names of players when they speak.

This way, you might not know if the person you are heading to meet is friendly, or the guy you just killed looking for revenge.

Skipping that, a radio ingame would pretty much be like an extended direct chat. If it is added.

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+1 To radio idea. Maybe 1-4 kilometer hearing zone, depending on the land scape (Open field: 4km, forests and hills: 1km). A few radio channels like 1-5. No names, and can only be heard when you put it on.

Notice: When it's on (and some one is broadcasting something), someone near you can hear it too!

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