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Increasing Arma 2 Performance

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Hey guys, so I just got Arma 2 and OA specifically because of this mod (everything I've always wanted in a game! :D ). Anyway, my computer specs supposedly should run this perfectly fine, however, when I play I lag heavily.

My specs are -

Intel Core i5-2410M


4GB DDR3 Memory

640 GB HDD

I also have no problem running other games that are much newer. Any help in fixing/optimizing Arma 2/this mod would be VERY appreciated!


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I have the exact same specs (except a different i5 model) and I'm able to play on high settings with no problem (though I use medium settings until I receive my cooling pad), though I had to turn down antialiasing to "none". Though ArmA 2 is very demanding even for its age.

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@Roflpotamus, did you manage to get it working in the end? (I'm thinking of getting a laptop with the same graphics card, so I'd like to know how well it runs on other people's systems.) Can you get a decent framerate on low settings? And what resolution do you play at?


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