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*NEW!* Napf OverPoch !Free Starter pack! dzgm, WAI Missions | Armed AI Vehicle Patrols | Booby Trap IEDs, Config Traders, Deploy Bike,Mozzie,Motorbike

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Brand new server - But With an Established Server Community (2+ years of running DayZ Servers!)

Note: Free starter packs for all new players! Info on our forums... This may be a limited time thang so grab em whilst they last!!

New map for our server community - Modified Napf Overpoch! 
Main Features:
  • Overpoch NAPF
  • Custom Overpoch Loot tables
  • ALL Overpoch items at traders (I think all!  let me know if we missed any and they will be put in) 
  • Config Traders (no database, so MUCH faster/less lag) still with Trader Safezones
  • Deploy Bike and Mozzie and Motorbike
  • No Zombies near bases - Z's can't exist within 40mtrs of a plot pole
  • No damage to vehicles near plotpoles AS LONG as nobody in them
  • DZGM Group Mission System <- Add people as part of your group, see them on the map.
  • WAI Missions - (including the mansion! - NOW WITH random chance of minefields or tank trap protection 
  • Create boobie traps (bombs/IED) - Need ItemToolbox, HandGrenade_West, and an empty tin can
  • Indestructible bases
  • Custom building solution (use emeralds & other gems)
  • Snap build pro
  • HARDCORE DEATH MODE - Dead bodies vanish within 2 to 12 mins... So think CAREFULLY about what you carry with you - if you with it, you LOSE it so plan your journeys CAREFULLY!
  • Select spawn point
Server Style:
  • PvP & PvE - Banditry allowed, being a d!ck and griefing or trolling is NOT
  • Friendly admins - here to help
  • Friendly player base
Details on Connecting:
Port: 2902
Launch Params: -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;
Name: Petunia Napf
Or get our custom launcher from our forums: http://www.petuniaserver.com/dayzforums/launcher-support/ Edited by Petunia-Server

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Do you NEED a plot pole to build (as a requirement to build outside a plotpole's range, not as a defense agains other people building)?

If you don't need a plot pole to build, tell me that and I will join your server asap, if you need a plot pole to build, good luck with your servers! 

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You DO NOT need a plot pole to build on Petunia servers, but you DO need a plot pole to maintain the objects that you HAVE placed. The server is wiped of all construction that has not been maintained within 29 days or so.

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Hey Sapioit :)


As Savedbygrace said, no NEED for a plot pole on our servers :)


However you will need one to maintain - but we're a bit different to many servers in that you just need to do this ONCE every 3 weeks ;)


Oh! And we're about to announce free starter packs for all new players... which includes a plot pole and some other buildables.


Hope that helps!



  On 8/24/2014 at 12:22 PM, SapioiT said:

Do you NEED a plot pole to build (as a requirement to build outside a plotpole's range, not as a defense agains other people building)?

If you don't need a plot pole to build, tell me that and I will join your server asap, if you need a plot pole to build, good luck with your servers! 



  On 8/24/2014 at 7:37 PM, savedbygrace said:

You DO NOT need a plot pole to build on Petunia servers, but you DO need a plot pole to maintain the objects that you HAVE placed. The server is wiped of all construction that has not been maintained within 29 days or so.

Edited by Petunia-Server

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SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND (from today, 28th August 2014) - in addition to the starter boxes for new players, on NAPF ALL players will SPAWN WITH ADVANCED GEAR (Random loadout EACH death!)

NAPF: Port: 2902

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Thanks for your answers! I'll check your server as soon as I will be able (since the 1.8.2 update I seems to not be able to join any server)...

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This severer is a must if you like custom mission, player vote, player hosted events, admin hosted events, Check it out they have a launcher too!! http://www.petuniase...orums/index.php and it works with all 3 servers!

Chernarus: Port: 2702 | NAPF: Port: 2902 | Namalsk: Port: 2362

Edited by 2yysforu

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