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Estimated/Exact Zed Height

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Hello my fellow survivalists and/or sabotagers,

I recently stumbled upon a heli crash site while scooting across the field east of Gvozdno to get from the barn there to the deer stand. Well! Let me tell you, I'll be searching for these in the future. I found plenty of stuff (maybe we'll run into eachother and you can sample my selection) but to the point of the thread, among this trove of terrific treasure, my eyes beheld that which I had sought since my journey through Chernaurus began:

A rifle with mil-dots.

Yes, I now hold a DMR. "Cool story, bro," you might say, and so would I. I'm here with a question, however. I, like everybody else with access to the internet, can calculate estimated distance based on the known height of an object in the scope. However, I haven't the slightest how tall my targets are. I managed to peg a zed in the face by my calculation using 1.6 meters as his height. Anybody with a more accurate number would be my friend in an instant just by sharing their knowledge.


How tall are zeds and players?

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I guess I'll do some experimenting and keep you posted. Any info is greatly appreciated while I carry out my testing.

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I like how people have different names for the zombies. I've heard Zeds, Z's, Zombs...more I'm sure. Personally I go with Zack, from Max Brooks book.

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1.8 meters is the number that almost all military scopes base their ranging on. I assume that zombies are not mutated in any way pertaining to their height so 1.8 meters would be safe to use for both humans and zombies.

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They are the exact same height as regular survivors, I've been using them to estimate range with the SVD for some time now, considering they're slower.

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