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Not able to run at all

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Been trying to get the game to launch, I get as far as the loading and then I am presented with a loading bar and nothing happens.

Common problem? Not turning up anything searching

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Does the vanilla game run? Try running OpA from Steam or whatever your platform is. If that doesn't work then obviously the mod won't either and you'll need to re-install that first. I don't know you installed the mod but on the d/l page here it recommends 6launcher and my experience suggests that's a good idea. Makes installing and running the mod pretty simple and patches up the client when there's a new release.

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My brother came over last night and managed to use one of the alternative ways of installing the game- we did a fresh install and it worked...but now I spawn in an empty field. I read if you head east (with the clouds?)- so I propped up my keyboard and went until my character died. No matter the server, I always spawn in this empty field...I might have to wait until the game goes into a beta build

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