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Tracking/Footprints (+more!)

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1. Possibility to track other players.

--> footprints, broken branches, waste (human waste / empty tin cans (from eating or drinking)).

---> footprints would be hard to see if its dry and hard ground but after rain they would be easier to see because the ground has been soft + there would be muddy footprints on asphalt etc.

----> These footprints and other marks of player should stay only 5 to 15 minutes on ground. After that it would be too hard to track + servers would overload.

2. Friendly (for real).

--> Something to improve allies between random players: An ally contract what would make friendly fire impossible between random players. If other one resign from it they would have 5 minutes time to run away / make new contract.

---> Also a "trade contract": Promise to trade something without shooting another one. If still deside to shoot, then he would get some penalty. (Any ideas guys?)

Pros: Easier to swap guns / ammos / food. Easier to trust people.

Cons: No friendly fire, no thrill. Easy to trust someone, no tension if risking life for trading.

3. Batteries for everything that uses them.

--> batteries for NVG, flashlight, GPS etc. NVG batteries rarety: very rare (nvg rarety could be raised when they need batteries). Others: rare.

4. Harder to mainetance vehicles.

--> Fuel tanks would only have randomly 20 - 80 litres of fuel (So you just cant drive around the map until some one shoots you).

---> Tires would brake while driven over glass or if driven a lot. (You would always be prepared for broken tire.)

4.1. Spike strip

--> What would be more cool ambush than spike strip (or something very close to it, like borken class in the road and hope it brokes the tires)? With this you could ambush a car without destroying it so you could also steal it after ambush.

5. Motion sensors and telephone (to monitor them).

--> Motion sensors (very rare and only 1-5 could use at the same time. And once again, they work with batteries). If someone/something goes by your sensor, your phone would beep "Sensor number 1 - ALERT"

-Do I even have to hype these? Think the possibilities with these! (Base defence, car ambush etc etc).

For admins/server owners:

1. Log for disconnects and log ins with time and name/player ID.

2. Rights to ban and report Alt+F4 abusers and cheaters of course. (I hope this would make those cowards stop doing that.)


1. Really would spice things up if you could trace enemies, or some one is tracing you! Never stay still for too long, even in the woods. But this needs a lot changes to the game and I don't know if its even possible.

2. This have it's pros and cons but if you (forum ppl) improve them, those would be nice extra for beginners + others! Like what would be big penalty enough that you wouldn't kill that another player? -11000 blood and broken legs?

3.This improvement is only realistic and would makes things a bit more complicated and intresting. And if NVG would be more likely to find, you couldn't use them much. Only minutes if you have low batteries.

4.We have our own server and we have 4 vehicles atm. We just drive around them cause they are invinsible against nature. Only another players can stop them. Its zombie apocalypse and you can find gasoline EVERYWHERE. Realistic? (Yes it's fun, but not realistic.)

4.1. Well I think its impossible to find spike strips if there is 0 police station. So those broken class and other spiky things would do it.

5. How awesome would motion sensor be? Just think the possibilities. Let your imagination do the rest.

--- LAST WORDS ---

Long post, I hope you had time to read those 5 ideas. If you like them, please comment and improve them freely!

[ :exclamation: More comments = More likely to become true :exclamation:]

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