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Looking to support a server

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Hi guys. I have been playing this dayz mod for roughly a week now. I have a love hate relationship with this game. I love it when Im doing good surviving(discovering and killing zombies) But I hate it when I get killed by some random player that would rather hunt humans over zombies. I believe they call them bandits? IMHO they are lazy cowards, that completley take the enjoyment out of this mod. They wait at High priority targets such as hospitals and markets. When they see you walk in, they sneak in behind you when you are in your backpack and shoot you in the back. OR.. they hear you shooting zombies and as your scavaging the dead bodies for food you get shot with a DMR from some asshat that is watching you fight for your life from a nice safe distance. YES. I have rage quit several times.

Well, I do notice that there are some friendly servers out there. Players that are renting servers with the intent of excluding bandits from the server. I am all for it! So my long story short. I am looking for players that have maybe bought or plan on buying a server that has the same intentions I do. Clean fun without the bandits. This game is so team orientated its Great fun. But bandits destroy it

I would be willing to help with server donations and my clan can offer a Teamspeak server as well.

Please come speak with me.. Specter at www.UGF-Clan.NET


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How exactly are you planning to keep the bandits off "your" server? What are you planning to do in the "odd case" where someone does get shot? How do you intent to identify the guy who shot and what would your response be? And more importantly how do you intent to get the server-software/access to the hive from the dev team when they are pretty much pro "same-rights-for-everybody-including-the-admins" and servers are seen more as a donnation to the community and less like a place of your own where you can do whatever the hell you want and your intention is to exclude a whole group of players from "your" server to start with?

Questions over questions... I guess what I'm trieing to say is, there isn't and there probably won't be a friendly server with no blue on blue fire and trieing to enforce one by repeatedly kicking players who shoot other players or who are not "part of your group" is probably one of the safest way to lose access to the central database.

Where do i get all that from?


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wow.. what a rant mallory.

There is no goal to ignore the devs. However, Power in numbers is key.

the more friendlies in a server that play mostly on that server the better your odds of survival. NO?

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What can i say, I just felt like pointing out that the solution you proposed ("... renting servers with the intent of excluding bandits ...") is not going to yield the desired results before somebody actually spends money on that. I also thought that including the reasons why it won't work would be much better than just saying "What you plan to do will most likely not fix any of the issues you have with people killing you.")

I agree with you "power in numbers is key" - in fact the first thing that came to my mind when a friend told me about this game was "wow - this is going to be amazing when you play it with a group of people".

However my argument that there are no friendly servers (only friendly players) still stands because even a server that was filled with only friendly players one day might get hit by a well geared and organized pvp squad the next day and anything that comes their way will most likely be obliterated because teamwork is even more key than numbers. Teamwork and gaining tactical advantages and then cashing in on those will beat numbers any day... And that is (at least in my opinion) a very good thing.

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Power in numbers? In a open firefight maybe, less so for everything else, you just up your chance of being spotted:)

Tell me what servers you play so I can drop by and do some sniping?

Seriously though, get shot in towns? Maybe move away from the coast, its where all the kills happen, you can survive for ages inland.

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Hospitals are pretty important. getting morphine and blood bags is critical. Every now and then you do have to get to the hospitals. Thats usually when i get killed.

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