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Servers take 10 minutes to show up

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Hi all

I've been having this problem since the day I got DayZ and I've decided it's time to fix it

When the game first starts, servers load up no problem. However, once I click "Refresh" not a single server will load for about 10 minutes, and I will be left with a blank server list.

In an effort to solve this I have tried:


  • Disabling anti virus
  • Restarting Game
  • Removing all filters
  • Changing ping filter to 10,000
  • Trying different internet sources

None of these helped. If someone could help me troubleshoot this that would be great.

Edited by frayt

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I believe this is just an issue with the connection or it could be the game in general.
I have this issue as well and my internet connection isn't the best, but my Friend has a good internet connection and his server list works fine.

I wish it didn't work that way but it is what it is I guess.

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