Tyremion 0 Posted May 14, 2012 During my first week of playing, I climbed atop the tallest building in Cherno in order to kill a sniping bandit. After looting him, I look across to another tall building to see a dead bandit corpse. I crawl down the ladder, and decide to go check out this other corpse at the other building.I loot this corpse, to find a M24 sniper rifle. I was quite excited when I found this sniper, but only one magazine came with it. I continued looting, and discovered five items of a somewhat coding representation. I looted those to see if they were broken items of the mod.To no avail, I looted the weapons that come off the kobra/hind attack helicoters. I shot these weapons off a few times, freaking out at the power under my hands. At the time, I concluded that this was a glitch/error in the mod, and that it was 'normal' to attain such weapons (I have heard stories). It is apparent to me now that I looted a hacker's weapon.People noticed the helicopter drum that corrupted Cherno. A bandit then snuck up behind me, and shot me point blank.I suspect that this incident caused me to become banned on several servers. For most servers, I attempt to join only to get kicked/booted/banned/connection failed messaged. I tried re-installing the game + mod to no solution. In all honesty, I do not know if this ban appeal will allow me to play on all Day-Z servers again; I can only play on several. I have never hacked in my gaming career (there's no challenge + fun if you let a code do the work), I had just discovered a hacker's weapons in this incident.I really am enjoying this mod, I recently made some friends. Sometimes, I cannot play with them due to not being able to join the server. We recently discovered a helicopter and have started repairing it!I am sorry, and I hope that the bandit that looted my body does not subdue to the corruption of cheating. I should of disregarded the weapons immediately, but instead I nourished them.In regards to all this, thank you to Rocket to his hard work in birthing and nourishing this mod. It would never have worked without his personal effort.Please inform me of any intel of use. Thank you.EDIT: Issue resolved, all sorted out. Thread closed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fighter139 191 Posted May 14, 2012 Perhaps you should check this list: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1689I doubt they only banned by PID. I bet they have GUID and IP banning as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derranged 2 Posted May 14, 2012 Sorry but the only way to become banned is if you were hacking. There is not many ways for a non-hacker to be banned. Sorry, but hackers aren't welcome here.If you are 100% positive that you weren't hacking talk to them about it, but they will know if you have been hacking or not.~Derranged Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skurcey 11 Posted May 14, 2012 no side story drama :(/me leaves disapointed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bond290 0 Posted May 16, 2012 Sorry but the only way to become banned is if you were hacking. There is not many ways for a non-hacker to be banned. Sorry' date=' but hackers aren't welcome here.If you are 100% positive that you weren't hacking talk to them about it, but they will know if you have been hacking or not.~Derranged[/quote']XD i dont think it matters if he hacked or not...i dought hackers would tell the truth (not that i think he is a hacker...because i dont think he is a hacker i thinkhe is innocent and made an honest mistake) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 13 Posted May 17, 2012 I think he should be unbanned, however keep his information on a watch list for an undisclosed amount of time. If he gets banned again and tries to appeal under a different forum account, the information can be cross checked with the watch list. If he was on the watch list - obvious hacker is obvious. If not then it could be an unban. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reklin 56 Posted May 17, 2012 So, you knew why you couldn't connect to any of these servers and knew you were banned.But you kept playing regardless and never thought to come to the forums to seek help straight away?Smells like bullshit. It really just sounds like you were caught red handed, thought "oh shit that was dumb", carried on trying to play on the few servers you could, got frustrated not being able to play with your friends, and had read or been told about all these idiots on the forums complaining "OMG WHAT IF I PIK UP DIS HACKERS GUN I GET BAND FOR IT HOW AM I SPOZE TO KNOW IT WAS HACKED" and thought you'd try your luck with the same excuse.Not buying it.Ontop of that, if you really thought someone carrying heli-mounted weapons in their backpack in the middle of the capital city was legit then you deserve the ban for stupidity alone. But we both know you're not really that stupid, don't we. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guitarxe 6 Posted May 17, 2012 So can we please get this out into the open somewhere where ever new player can see this? Like ont he front page of the website as a warning? Because people come in here knowing this is Alpha version, so there will be bugs and glitches. And they loot a weapon which looks like a bug, but instead it's a hacked weapon and they get banned... for doing nothing wrong...Not a good start for a mod... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FadedTerran 8 Posted May 23, 2012 Get off your high horses, I cant wait for the day I see one of you tards banned for accidentaly picking up one of these weapons, so I can can talk a bunch of shit and tell you how much of an idiot you are. We werent there and and we have no right to come here talking a buncha shit to some guy who was banned for circumstances wich may or may not be true. Let the Dev's decide and keep your bigotry to yourselves, This community is way to hostile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dego locc 3 Posted May 23, 2012 Get off your high horses' date=' I cant wait for the day I see one of you tards banned for accidentaly picking up one of these weapons, so I can can talk a bunch of shit and tell you how much of an idiot you are. We werent there and and we have no right to come here talking a buncha shit to some guy who was banned for circumstances wich may or may not be true. Let the Dev's decide and keep your bigotry to yourselves, This community is way to hostile.[/quote']I agree to a point but I found it funny your comment about the community, it's a role playing, hardcore, simulator about the end of dayz. What did you expect to see?If you think this is bad you should have seen some of the mmo forums I have been a part of over the years. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rangerpl 1 Posted May 24, 2012 I agree to a point but I found it funny your comment about the community' date=' it's a role playing, hardcore, simulator about the end of dayz. What did you expect to see?If you think this is bad you should have seen some of the mmo forums I have been a part of over the years.[/quote']It isn't the ArmA 2 community though, just the DayZ people. The milsim people who were around before DayZ was released are far more mature than some of the people who post here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites