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Potential Hacker - Faelin

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Was playing on Chicago 39 with two friends. A player named Faelin was located on top of a building. We shot him and killed him, but a minute later he was back and sniped out one of us. I shot him again, then he reappeared to snipe me...

Then we killed him AGAIN, and AGAIN (the one remaining friend) and then AGAIN.

We killed him FIVE times (and counting) and he kept respawning. I am unsure of whether this is hacks or an admin abusing his power somehow, but he had a nifty AS50 sniper rifle according to my buddy who looted one of his bodies and now camps the roof where he keeps respawning.

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I was on the server as well and I saw those "Faelin was killed by XXX (friendly fire)". At first I assumed he was killed in the debug forest, but after the second and third time I assumed he was hacking. I think the Admin kicked him shortly after that but it was probably after the damage had been done.

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We were on the tall factoryish building the multilevel building that you can see through. I was one of the 3 of us that was taking fire. I saw him up on the highest building in cherno with the very tall ladder. I was like "Oh sh*t guys theres a sniper on the roof of the tall building." Killed him thought ok cool advoided getting killed I will go loot him cover. Just as I start moving BAM dead. By him. Friend kills him. I spawned next to cherno ran in from the coast went up the building he was on took his gun waited for him to spawn and lit him up. He never came back on after that.

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