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Screen corner shades

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When i am ingame, there are these shaders/shadow/effects in each corner of my screen, however when i klick ESC, these shades dissapear and gives me an 10-12 fps boost. Is this possible to turn off?

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When i am ingame, there are these shaders/shadow/effects in each corner of my screen, however when i klick ESC, these shades dissapear and gives me an 10-12 fps boost. Is this possible to turn off?


Unsure about the esc notion unless you have rec'd damage in which case you can hit esc then configure/video to see clearly again.  For the rest you can select esc then go to your video configuration and adjust the textures, quality and rendering to get small increases in fps on your machine.  If you could post a screenshot it would be easier to understand what exactly you want turned off.





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Unsure about the esc notion unless you have rec'd damage in which case you can hit esc then configure/video to see clearly again.  For the rest you can select esc then go to your video configuration and adjust the textures, quality and rendering to get small increases in fps on your machine.  If you could post a screenshot it would be easier to understand what exactly you want turned off.






I'm unable to make a screenshot out of this, it's more or less unotisable when trying to photoshop this together. It's best seen on bright backgrounds. The entire edge of the screen is shaded with some kind of effect (most notiseable in corners of the screen). When klicking ESC these shades goes away and gives a huge fps boost, however, not able to play with ESC on ^^,


EDIT: I have tried to disable everything in settings, but im not able to disable this shade effect or whatever it is.

Edited by Rmk82

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Is it possible to turn this effect off? Is it scripted effect and the effect is turned off when klicking ESC or is it a "hidden" settings somewhere? I Just want to know if it's possible to turn off. Anyone?

Edited by Rmk82

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I think you're talking about "Postprocess Quality". Put that on " Disabled". It is in the Rendering menu. 

Edited by Grumpy Monkey
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I think you're talking about "Postprocess Quality". Put that on " Disabled". It is in the Rendering menu. 

Nope. Still there :x

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Nope. Still there :x


Ok, I'm not sure what graphical effect you're talking about then. Sorry. 

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Ok, I'm not sure what graphical effect you're talking about then. Sorry. 

Thanks anyways. I think it has something to do with health. I'm at full health, but i got damaged earlier and the shades got a bit darker before colours were starting to go black and white. So, i guess it's a scripted effect that's there to stay. Who knows.

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