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store magazines and clips in Ammo crate

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Would like to suggest the ability to store magazines and clips in the ammo crate.

No reason they cannot fit in there and it is still related.

I dont really like carrying lose ammo but would rather carry a crate full of magazines I can reload from.

Always easy to find the ammo and reload the mags and go

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I never really got why you could only store related items inside those containers. Even gameplay wise it's just a bit wonky, I can understand why, but I'd rather them just be different choices for storing items with possibly different levels of protection. The first-aid kit would offer less protection than the ammo crate and protector case, but spawns with medical items.

Edited by Chaingunfighter
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I have a bunch of .50 cal ammo cans, most are filled with ammo and one I use to store my gun cleaning items. I also have a .30 cal ammo can I keep in the back of my truck to hold my cargo straps and bungee cords. Ammo cans make EXCELLENT storage. They are made of steel, have a rubber ring to keep out the elements, and are extremely tough. The downside is they are heavy (especially when you fill them with ammo!) and are loud opening up.


I'd like to see something implimented that made a local noise every time you access something like your backpack, plus opening an item like a protector case and ammo can. Also, stashing ammo boxes in the world would be great, considering how weather-proof they are.

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Also, stashing ammo boxes in the world would be great, considering how weather-proof they are.

Something like this is already there on exp.-servers, AFAIK.

EVERY items there is persistent, but normal items lying around degrade and then disappear fairly quickly, wheres items stored in containers (Yellow boxes, Ammo-boxes and medic-bags) degrade way slower and survive more server-restarts 

(But I don't know the exact number of restarts, sorry)

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I really want to see us at least place clips in ammo cans. After all 5.56 is prepackaged in clips, and the can says "Clips" on it. On an unrelated note I would also like to see some Russian style ammo cans.

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Something like this is already there on exp.-servers, AFAIK.

EVERY items there is persistent, but normal items lying around degrade and then disappear fairly quickly, wheres items stored in containers (Yellow boxes, Ammo-boxes and medic-bags) degrade way slower and survive more server-restarts 

(But I don't know the exact number of restarts, sorry)


That's great to hear!

I really want to see us at least place clips in ammo cans. After all 5.56 is prepackaged in clips, and the can says "Clips" on it. On an unrelated note I would also like to see some Russian style ammo cans.

7.62x54r spam cans FTW! 440 rounds of rimmed excellence! Should only be openable like canned food.

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