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1st Battalion 38th infantry [Hiring Airmen/Pilots]

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We're a group of 6 people with a "storyline" setup on one server.

We operate just like a military group and our story is based on one server. We're the last remaining military and our mission is to protect survivors from zombies, bandits, and other threats. 

To carry out this mission, we are looking for new mature members that wish to be a part of our story. This group is active daily (every other day at LEAST) and is lead by two players. 


You MUST be 15+ and have a mic with TeamSpeak 3.

Be active (at least every other day for a few hours. of course, we do realize that real life DOES come first)

If you're interested and wish to join, you can ask questions here, or for a full interview, join our TeamSpeak: ts.sugaming.net

You must be able to play OverPoch



We operate like a real military. Respect superior officers.

DO NOT shoot a survivor unless you feel threatened and have reasonable cause. (for example, they shoot first)





Edited by ChrisShocker

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Server is picking up and the military clan is still hiring experienced excellent pilots!

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We're looking for MORE pilots/airmen to lead a second squad.

Contact us via TeamSpeak: ts.sugaming.net

Edited by ChrisShocker

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