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Let's talk about Helicopters

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My group and I are fully equipped and geared. I have NVGs/Rangefinder, Coyote Pack, AS50, Bizon SD, L85. Everyone else has similar gear but different weaponry like the m249, or m107. We're running out of things to do in this game and for weeks we've been looking for fixable helicopters to fly around. It's become our last hope for fresh gameplay.

We eventually realized that the spawns are disabled on most servers. This caused most of us to stop playing for awhile, until we heard about some servers still having the spawns enabled. Unfortunately we can't get solid evidence of which servers have them enabled and what the actual status is in the game, with some reports saying the hulls are not repairable and others saying the fuel tanks leak uncontrollably.

I'd love to get some solid information, and hopefully bring this subject up with the developers so they can see that many people desperately want to play with helis in DayZ.

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I have only heard that they dont spawn, not anything about fuel tanks leaking or hulls not being repairable o.O

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They only spawn on very old servers, and the hull is fine, its only the fueltank thats glitched and allways leaks

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This leaking fueltank will be resolved sometime this week as per the 1.7.2 patch notes on the forum. When the hull is breached below 95%, the fuel will start to leak.

95% is a bit too high imo but atleast it'll be adjusted by the community/devs later on :)

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Well, I'm searching through the depths of the forum myself for similar info as I'm in the same situation as described in the OP. The only recent chopper sighting/spawning that I know of was a few days ago in Dallas 1. Someone put up a vid about it and I believe one of the dayz devs spawned it in himself. Maybe as part of a test, I don't know.

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