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Battleye Keeps Installing and Won't Launch DayZ....

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When I try to join any DayZ Server a CMD window pops up and continuously says;

"Installing Battleye Service..."

"Successfully Installed Battleye Service..."


I have left the CMD Window open for about 2 hours and it has said ^The Above^ about 1000 times....


Anyone else having this problem, Never use to get this problem until Yesterday... :(

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It did work, but I've got the exact same thing again, tried what you said again but didn't work.... 

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Ok so this time I have let the CMD window run, And after about 2 - 2 and a half hours, a new window pops up says 'Entry Point Not Found' and also says something about a missing file under it?

I have searched this up on google, nothing seems to help... :(

Edited by BearAttack

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 By chance do you have the DayZ Mod, obsolete beta STeam installs, as well? I ask because of the "CMD Window" comments.

 You have launched both Arma 2 & OA to menu screen (perhaps adjust settings, create a player profile)?
 How/What program do you serch/connect to servers? (from withi Arma 2<add ip, Pay with6, DayZ Commander, DayZ Launcher?)

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I did have the DayZ Mod when all this started, It's really the only reason I have Arma.

I can Launch Arma 2 perfectly, but Arma 2 OA just wont work (I literally can't even launch it) which then also leads to me not being able to play the DayZ Mod.

I previously used DayZ Commander, but stopped as soon as this error showed as I had read on the internet that it can cause this, which I now know, is not true.

I have tried installing the latest BETA patch for Arma 2 OA and the Obsolete Arma 2 Beta, as I have read it adds some files or whatnot, I have also Re-installed both Arma 2 and OA about 3 times, but no different in the end.



Does anyone else not have this problem?

Edited by BearAttack

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I understand that was a few months ago.... Did you ever end up fixing it or finding a temporary solution?


I've googled this a lot over the last 24 hours, so I'm surprised I eventually found someone else with this problem.

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You are resurrecting an old post, and lots of threads have been posted on this topic in this forum.

First of all you have to launch the games through steam and must not launch any beta version.

Battleye had issue till last month but it seems better now.

If you have issue joining multi-player because of battleye, you can try to launch steam as Administrator. You can try also to remove the battleye files then restart steam and launch arma2oa/dayzmod again. Try several times each solution since battleye is painful to update sometimes.

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