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Waiting for character to create.

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I just downloaded the customcombatgaming launcher. and downloaded what was needed to play on the server my friends are o( ccg overpoch eu #2)


Everything is downloaded. I got arma2 and oa on steam, downloaded, both of them have been started.


But I can't seam to get past "Waiting for character to create"


I've googeled a bit around but I can't seam to find out what's wrong. Somebody tod me to use dayz commander but how could that help?


Please provide a a list of things I can try.


Thank you.



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What about the server requires this extra-special launcher? I've never heard of it before. Is it a special variety of Epoch? If it isn't, you should trust the DayZCommander; 99% of everyone here seems to endorse it.

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