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Weird Locked in place bugged after logging in / out

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To start off i will be reporting this in the bug section as well but reason im posting here is i wanted to check if anyone else is having this issue. 


So i just gotten back from a fairly long break from the game so not 100% on whats an issue nowadays and whats not and so on. every now and then ill get disconnected from a server due to loss of connection (the usual) but as of yesterday something weird happened. i was playing with a friend when i got disconnected from the server. as soon as i got out i logged back in. which is when it got weird. i got back in and picture loaded up but im frozen. i cant move around i cant even look around all i got is the scenery that's infront of me. i can see the hotbar but thats it, i cant access the menues or anything.  so i manually crash the game and try logging back in only to find my self in the exakt same predicament, now i managed to solve this by manually crashing the game again and logging in to another Server, i got the hole spawning in sequence but i load in at the exakt same spot with all my gear with my movability restored.


At this point i log out and then back in to the server i want to be on with my friend on it, and luckly it works. im back with everything on the same spot no longer frozen or anything.


Here's the problem tho. it seems that everytime i lose connection to a server now this happens. i log back in to find my self with the problem i just described and the only solution seems to be logging in to another server wait for the respawn, log back out then log back in to whatever server you want to be in on.



Now ive tried verify files through steam and came up with nill also did a full reinstall of the game wich dident ammount to anything,

Edited by Happy-

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Doh accadentally posted in the wrong section, this was meant to be in the general section. Any Moderator that can move it?

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