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bad_mojo (DayZ)

Two wrongs =/= Right

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It's sad that this needs to be said on these forums.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Example, someone hits alt-f4 to avoid being killed. They justify their dc'ing by saying people hack, server hop, or dc themselves. And the community dies a little inside.

Why do people think their own actions are justified because other people are horrible? It's a vicious circle of bullshit ruining this community.

-Shoot on sight because other people do it.

-DC because people exploit glitches.

-Dupe because a bug killed them earlier.

-Server hop for loot because "someone else did it and cleared all the loot off my server".

-DC to gain position in PVP because the other guys do it too.

This shit is getting silly.

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Yeah I know it is sad indeed, and it is a bullshit endless cycle, you are right.

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What makes this even worse is that people will just assume that stuff is happening to them. "If the loot is gone, it must be a server hopper." If someone has NVGs and other high end gear, they must be sniper bandits. If they're standing in the middle of a field and die suddenly...HAX!

And crying on the forums about it constantly is getting old. We know it happens, the devs know it happens, you're not blowing the lid off a conspiracy to keep this all a secret. It's like freaking out at the blackjack table in Las Vegas, ranting about people counting cards. Speak to the manager if you have a specific complaint, but the rest of the customers don't want to listen to it. If you focus on the bad too much, it's hard to enjoy the good.

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Its up to the community and the development team to work together. This is just Alpha so dont get too down :) Arma 3 is just around the corner

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