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Looking to join a small team

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Heya guys,

I'm English, and 17, so probably a dick head...


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Looking to join a team who's serious but can have a laugh! I'm currently downloading the game, and I've got 2 months of procrastination to fill, so hit me up on here, or add me on Steam: Druee.

I have a mic, and remember I'm a newbie, so don't reply if you're looking for a pro ;)! Though I've had experience with many an iron sight in my short days :)!



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Dude you're currently in my server and chased me last night I think? Name is Sam, I think we're both I'm NZ 9

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I don't mind teaming up but I play irregularly and will have more free time in after july 12th. I've got some experience and have amassed some nice equipment :)

add me on steam some time: s0larus

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I'd like to play with you! I just started yesterday so a bit inexperienced in this particular game. But it sure is fun, and I'd bet it would be a lot funnier teaming up with someone! I'm from Denmark but I speak and understand english good enough to play any game, I also got a mic and my own ventrilo server :) I'm playing with another dude tonight I think, he's from England aswell :)

My steam is:

Sgt. Nymann

I tried finding you on steam but was unsuccesfull! Add me if you want to play :)

I wont be able to play until tonight though, but I'm playing all night through! :D


I think I found you now, but not sure :P

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Im not new to the game but im also not looking for pros to play with if I can join please pm me Or msg me on any one of those below

Skype: Thehawker3

Steam: Hawkey10

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Adding you guys! If you want we could even start a small team :O! We have enough people in this thread already xD!

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Yoo looking for a team too, started to play 2 days ago, got some stuff on me. we can team up if u wana.

steam: curious_kid

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Bumping this mutha!

EDIT: Added you all to either Steam or Skype, already got 3 of us!

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Looking for a group too, have some decent loot already, just need some team players!!!

Steam is cjust689

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[XI] is currently a group of 6 daily active mature players 20+. We use skype or my community teamspeak, We have survived as long as we have by working together and designating player roles within the group while doing hospital runs, or airfield raids. if your interested send me a pm or email me at hiroshima.905@gmail.com

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Just to let everyone on the thread know that me and drue joined the [XI] clan/team :)

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