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Six Launcher Won't Launch

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So a buddy of mine is trying to instal Dayz and he's run into an issue. When he tries to launch six launcher or updater it asks him if he wants to let it make changes to your computer, and he clicks yes. After that simply nothing happens. What's going on? He's tried reinstalling it and such and nothing.

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Try uninstalling the software, deleting the SIX Projects folder from Program Files (x86), remove shortcuts, and then cleanly install the software from http://www.six-updater.net/p/download.html

If still issues, please create a ticket with details/screenshot http://www.six-updater.net/p/support.html

and we'll get right on it.

Official DayZ SU thread is btw @ http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5797

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