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How populated is this Mod?

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I was REALLY interested in this Mod from the moment I saw it.

I'm about to buy the game just to get the mod ($30 for a fun free roam zombie survival game? count me in) but before I do, I wanted to know if it would be worth it.

I wouldn't wanna get the game and the mod and then see not many people online to run into.

Are there servers? does everyone just log on at once in one server? is it well populated?

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how popular? Massively over subscribed, just try getting on a server... it's mental.

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Servers are slammed full, maybe if they had triple the servers running it would help, but who knows when that is going to happen.

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It's 20 bucks. Get the free version of arma2 and symlink it

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this mod is like the hottest thing in the gaming world right now, so yeah it's quite popular ;)

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Well worth the investment. I too just purchased it Friday just for this mod (based on a friend’s advice) and my eyes are completely bloodshot from playing. Now I’m thinking about calling out sick to work. Buy it…Buy it before it’s too late…Buy it now!

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Haha you dont have to worry about low populated, but you do have to worry about getting into a server since they are ALWAYS full.

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Very much worth the price, I don't regret my purchase one bit :)

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(dont encourage him, we dont want more people trying to get that elusive spot!) nah mate, shockngly empty, and boring. I ran into one zombie in over 43 hours playing, turns out it was the developer with a skin on, he zigged, he zagged, then he broke down crying and admitted this whole mod is a ponzi scheme created by bohemia interactive to farm your credit card details. Buy left 4 dead, its way smoother.

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It's 20 bucks. Get the free version of arma2 and symlink it

What do you mean by "symlink" it? I'm not the BEST with computers.

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lol just like everyone in here obviously buy it!

it is worth every penny, at first i was thinking "i'm getting this game for just this mod?" well this mod is drawing everyone's attention to the game itself. Congrats to the developers for their sucess in the past how many weeks. worth every penny if you like survival games don't even hesitate.

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pretty much on pc gaming atm is this game and d3

the server was jammed on weekend and you end up waiting a lot of times for connection and server response.

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As an Australian, it's a sign of an incredible online mod to see about 50 people playing under 150 ping.

This mod usually has about 200.

'Nuff said.

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The mod and the concept is pretty friggin' awesome.

It's almost a sociological experiment unto itself.

The down side? The game (ARMA II) is buggy as all hell, which only helps to put the mod in a bad light.

It's $30 and quite worth it IMO.

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The mod and the concept is pretty friggin' awesome.

It's almost a sociological experiment unto itself.

The down side? The game (ARMA II) is buggy as all hell' date=' which only helps to put the mod in a bad light.

It's $30 and quite worth it IMO.


It's $20 for arrowhead, where are you getting 30 from?

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ArmA is not really that buggy. The latest patch for Combined Ops fixed a ton of stuff and it is the baseline for ArmA III.

However, ArmA II did get a terrible name for bugs. Operation Arrowhead fixed a lot of stuff, but it will always be "buggy" in the eyes of the masses.

$30 for combined ops is what most people are seeing.

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If you're smart you'll get arma 2 free and then arrowhead and save 10 bucks

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