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ArmA 2 - 0%-5% GPU Load?

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Hi! I wonder why ArmA 2 is using only 0%-5% GPU load. I just downloaded GPU-Z to check whatsup with the temperatures and GPU usage and i noticed that it's not using my GPU.. i got everything on Very High and it seems like when i play other games it's also like that.


Really weird, i'm not sure if somethings wrong with my GPU or if its the game.

Games seems to be running on good FPS (Such as Watch_Dogs) so i suppose my GPU is properly working.

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again, its just awful optimization on BI's part. it's super duper cpu intensive which almost always ends up bottlenecking it, hence why pretty much everyone has shitty FPS in arma 2 even though it came out ages ago. the story mode barely functions at all. in my opinion it's a total joke of a game, and the only reason it has had the success is the idea behind dayZ.

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