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Stealth Assassins Brotherhood

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We invite all bandit squads or individual players,other clans,heroes,survivors to our DayZ Epoch server since the hunting season is open.
We give all the players and squads opportunity to establish the bases and gear up before we star hunting them.

  •  No admin Abuse
  • Quick restarts 
  • Stable host
  • Admins ready to help with any issues you may have. Several admins from different timezones always ready to help you just join our TeamSpeak and you'll be helped!
  • Growing community 
  • Active Clans
  • Free Clan/Individual TeamSpeak rooms
  • Custom scripts...if we dont have one we will install it for you
  • Day/Night UTC -4
  • Admins and community have 10+ years experience in server hosting!
  • Our server is Veteran 
  • Team Speak IP:
  • Some of the scripts Self Blood bag,Deploy Bike,Suicide,No Weight limit,Cheep Building,Fast trading,Auto refuel/rearm/repair,Custom Buildings,AI missions WAI and DZMS   and much much more.
  • Skalisty island Bandit vilage BANDEMONIUM ,Skalisty custom trader
  • All new players get starting building materials FOR FREE
  • Frequent unique Admin created missions (ie. Deathmatch, Trivia, Deathrace)

Server IP:

Server name: |SAB|*BORN*TO*KILL*-OverpochChernarus



Hope to see you soon!!!

Edited by Serbia

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New objectiv on Skalisty island called BANDEMONIUM installed last night....HELL on Chernarus map. :D

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