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After install instructions followed DayZ still wont work

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I have had DayZ mod up and running on this machine before but had to uninstall due to space issues, anyways...


I followed the instructions and here is what happened:


Installed ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 OA ( I have NON Steam versions I bought/downloaded from Amazon )

Patched to 1.11 and 1.62,

Started ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 OA ( would get a black screen with just sound sometimes ) one time each before as specified.

Opened DayZ commander and updated/installed the mod and says everything is up to date but when I go to join a server i get the "system cannot find the file" crap.

I opened the settings in commander and all the correct directories are there and spelled right etc.

Tried latest Beta patch for ARMA 2 and repeated process with same results


I have searched forums and did not find any solutions to my issues. If anyone could help I would appreciate it, I had this game up and running a few months ago so I know it works but I cant get around these issues.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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Up until recently arma was reliant on the Gamespy server browser,


Gamespy is no more, so you'll need to install steam and activate your arma cd keys so it shows in your steam library.


In steam


Games>activate product on steam> then add in your cd keys for arma 2 then arma 2:oa


Then follow these instructions to get dayz mod working http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/198513-arma2-oa-beta-patch-system-update-admins-clients-please-read/

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