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Tents not working?

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Over the last week or so me and a buddy have been through four tents. We place the tent, click save tent, place items, click save tent, and wait a good period of time before logging.

So far out of FOUR tents, we have lost every item we have put into one. :/ ak's, ghillie suits, other tents, coyote backpacks, you name it.

They just don't save items from one day to the next we're on 4/4 over the course of a week and not a single tent has ever saved an item for more than 24 hours, we have managed to log out of a server, and log back in and have the tent save our stuff, but the next day it's empty. We know it's not bandits finding the tents because there were garbage items in them, and a lot more than even a few people could carry away. They are completely empty, including garbage items by the next day. Each tent was located on a different server than the others as well.

The first three times I figured I was just unlucky, but 4 out of 4 all on different servers and spread out by a day or more each...? There is no way I'm that unlucky.

Is anyone else able to use tents to store items?

Do the items vanish when the character that placed the tent dies?

Do items vanish every time there is a patch?

Do items vanish on server reset?

Do they vanish after a set period of time?

Is there some ritual or dance I have to do before logging?

EDIT: I forgot to add, all of the backpacks we've put in tents (around six) have had their contents deleted, even over short periods of time (less than 24 hours) I did manage to put one in with items and quickly remove it without losing items though. :/

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I had this problem (or at least similar to) today:

I was playing on the Stabclan server (chicago based) and had set up a tent to hold some things. I play the most out of 3 friends, so I basically stockpile items to give to them.

I had a lot of decent items, loads of ammo, and some little items that I just like to have spares of. Anyway, what happened was, I literally filled the tent, 5 backpacks, 10 tools/weapons, and 50 items. I head over to the SW part of the map to meet up with a friend and help him find my area.

About halfway through my trip, the server crashes or restarts (think it was a crash because I was disconnected and couldnt get back in for about 10 minutes). Well, by the time I got back to my tent around 2 hours later, EVERYTHING was gone. I know there is the possibility of it being other players, but I honestly do not believe it was. It was a very obscure location, and even if it was another player(s) there would have had to be 3-4 OR they dropped things on the ground just to clean out the tent Which, if you would do something like that to another player, you deserve to be shot with a makarov by a new player who then gets all your crap.

Anyway you look at it, I am almost certain that it was not another player, and that the server ate my items. I really only post because I want to see if any info will come from this.

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Server crash today. Lost my tent and all items in it along with my bicycle. Tents seem to be uber bugged at the moment. Pray for hotfix.

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