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Cannot move, at all.

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I don't think this is a stuck character, so I've made a new thread, I hope that's alright.


I logged off 100 - 200m away from NWAF as I was in a hurry, so I got into a pine tree and logged. A friend wanted me to get on as he was also there so I did, but I logged in and got past "please wait" but I was just standing still in first person and I couldn't do anything. Couldn't move, aim, change weapons or even press "esc" to exit game. I closed to Day Z with task manager then loaded it back up, same problem. My friend knocked me out but when I awoke I still had the same problem of not being able to do literally anything even though I can see whats happening infront of me and others can see me. 


Any help to resolve this would be appreciated without me having to die.

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try on a different server, friend had the same thing yesterday, after we switched server he was able to move

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Dont join your friend from steam, use the ingame browser.. People asked of this multiple times

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i am having the same issue, any server i join in any way, none of the controls respond and i have to alt tab open task manager and close the game. some times it will take 10+ log ins before i can finally play. and it didn't start until 0.47

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