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Dayz Standalone Youtubers (Current)

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I am going to start playing standalone in the next few weeks, can anyone recommend any decent youtubers with current videos that would be worth me watching to get me in the mood ?


Squad play





That sort of stuff, the sort of intense situations that we all crave so much.


Any help is appreciated - Im just struggling to find decent length videos which aren't boring after 2mins.


Thank you.

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Go on twitch on look for a guy named Sacriel, he plays on first person servers, he is on now http://www.twitch.tv/sacriel <----- really good


Youtubers there are a few, depending on if you are a bandit or not you could look at frankieonpc, he plays as a hero but alot people think his videos are fake and there is jackfrags who plays as a bandit. There are loads it just depends on your play style, but for real squadplay sacriel is the best


Frankie --------> Dayz mod and SA https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuMTZBpxpB0cB3p3ewQT3KTdZ6szpBYSZ


Jack ------------> Dayz mod


Jack-------------> Dayz SA not bandit

Edited by iBattleVet
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Mr Moon is funny but not very tactical, if you do want serious squad play watch the twitch link i sent you 

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Go check this out, Mr Shadezz maybe one of the best HC players in the game right now that stream, Sacriel is "contact", "enemy down" type of guy, military one, i dont prefer watching his videos, but Mr Shadezz streams, check the channel on twich and watch last highlited you gona like it.

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