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Please add a "Bolt Cutter" as a Tool to cut through Fences

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For the developers: Please consider adding a "Bolt Cutter" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolt_cutter) into the game.

Fences around Military Bases and Airfields should by default (after Server restart) be completely intact.

So Players and Teams with a Bolt cutter could cut the Fence at the position as they wish.

This would give the game mor tactical depth and prevents Freshpawn/Bambis to hurry to military zones too soon.

There would be of course enterable points like gates (which could be closed by padlocks!) or turnpikes but these points are of course more dangerous

because other players (could) camp there, so Bolt Cutters are a thing more to search for and makes the game more flexible.


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Could also be used as a melee weapon

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Or tweezers or saw or et cetera. Bolt cutters aren't the only (or most convenient) way of doing things

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heck we already have pliers...a lot of pliers have a sharp scissor edge in the center which could cut through the fences in dayz np 

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heck we already have pliers...a lot of pliers have a sharp scissor edge in the center which could cut through the fences in dayz np 


I know the pliers but the game needs more "different" tools for different jobs. I dont want to be able to do everything with a hyper "swiss knife" like tool that needs just one slot, you know what i mean? The players always should feel the need to search for things. And in teams of an average of lets say 3-4 people there should be specialists, so the more specialised items/tools there are in the game the more you have to do if you want to achieve special tasks.


And now with the upcoming persistent items and tents you are able to collect and store more stuff and you could gather different tools to complete a toolbox

(toolbox would be a cool container like the first-aid-kit or ammo-box you could fill in the hammer, pliers, screwdriver, hacksaw, etc and 6 or 10 slots could be packed to 2x2). with the later upcoming vehicles players could specialise on beeing the mechanic in the team. the above mentioned bolt cutter would replace the axe on the back because of its size and weight but the person carrying it would be important for the team because he is the "only" one with the advantage of cutting through fences but as a slight disadvantage in melee fighting because an axe is better. everything should have distinct advantages and disadvantages. beeing or having an "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" (=all-in-one-device) doesnt make the game interesting and doesnt compel players in teaming up.

Edited by BerZerK_SR

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I know the pliers but the game needs more "different" tools for different jobs. I dont want to be able to do everything with a hyper "swiss knife" like tool that needs just one slot, you know what i mean? The players always should feel the need to search for things. And in teams of an average of lets say 3-4 people there should be specialists, so the more specialised items/tools there are in the game the more you have to do if you want to achieve special tasks.


And now with the upcoming persistent items and tents you are able to collect and store more stuff and you could gather different tools to complete a toolbox

(toolbox would be a cool container like the first-aid-kit or ammo-box you could fill in the hammer, pliers, screwdriver, hacksaw, etc and 6 or 10 slots could be packed to 2x2). with the later upcoming vehicles players could specialise on beeing the mechanic in the team. the above mentioned bolt cutter would replace the axe on the back because of its size and weight but the person carrying it would be important for the team because he is the "only" one with the advantage of cutting through fences but as a slight disadvantage in melee fighting because an axe is better. everything should have distinct advantages and disadvantages. beeing or having an "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" (=all-in-one-device) doesnt make the game interesting and doesnt compel players in teaming up.

I ain't going to carry around 10 different tools..ill just go around...there are plenty holes in fences.

I dont want 100 different tools which have limited use such as the shovel to get worms....polluting the loot spawns

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I bet you could also damage or ruin a gun with a Hammer/Boltcutter.

(Sqeezing the barrel, for example).




But now that I think about it: There are a lot other items, with which we could ruin firearms (Hacksaw, Fireaxe,...)



Maybe it's not a great idea, maybe it's good,

What do you think?

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I bet you could also damage or ruin a gun with a Hammer/Boltcutter.

(Sqeezing the barrel, for example).




But now that I think about it: There are a lot other items, with which we could ruin firearms (Hacksaw, Fireaxe,...)



Maybe it's not a great idea, maybe it's good,

What do you think?


"I'm sorry sir, this is a no firearms zone. I'm going to have to ruin that rifle you've got there."

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It would be a great way to restrict areas all over the map, and would complement another suggestien that had bolt-cutter etc as ways to get into locked rooms with better loot.

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