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Cave Johnson

Battleye Client not responding (but only on 1 server)

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I know there have been quite a few posts about this issue but I've yet to find a solution that works for me too. The issue is that since yesterday I haven't been able to join the server I regularly play on.. it keeps getting stuck on the first screen (waiting for host) and then battleye kicks me for the well known 'client not responding' issue

When I try to join other servers though I have no issues with joining and never get kicked by battleye, even servers that use the same mod (overpoch) work fine .. just not the one I want to play on

Things I've tried:

- Reinstalling Arma 2 + all expansions
- Using the battleye setup in the battleye folder
- Replacing the BEClient.dll in the arma2, operation arrowhead AND the AppData folders
- Deleting the MPMissioncache in the arrowhead appdata folder
- Restarting my modem


I think that's all of them, maybe I forgot one or two things I've tried but I'd really appreciate it if anyone could give me some other things to try to fix this issue.

The problem is not serverside as far as I know, there are always players on

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