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2 New Full Militarised Overpoch servers! Gem Buildables:Currency/ Bike deploy/ Tanks Jets Helis / AI Cities / Admin Events / Very Active Admins.

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We have set up two Overpoch servers! One is on Chern the other is on Napf!!


Overpoch Chernarus: 24 / 7 Day Currently


DayZ Commander IP:

In game Remote IP:


Overpoch Napf:


DayZ Commander IP:

In game Remote IP:


Teamspeak: ts97.light-speed.com:5377  


Also rest assured there are people on our Teamspeak. You just need "trusted" status to see people. So if you need trusted just hope in the admin needed channel and someone will get in touch with you.


List of Features:


Building Features:

Snap Build

Vector Build

Gem Buildables


Deployable Features:

Deploy Bike

Deploy Dirt Bike (Napf only)


AI / Mission System Features:

WAI MIssions

Treasure Missions

AI Cities


Misc. Features:

Walk Among the Dead

Spawn Select (Napf Only)


Self BB

Vehicle Service Points

Flip Vehicles

Full Military Based Server

Gem Currency


We reward players on our server through hours played on our server. We will give you building supplies at 20, 60 and 120 hours played on our servers. Tracked through Gametracker.com website.





Who ever joins will get a starter kit. Which basically is enough supplies to build a shack and start to store items. We are aiming more for a end game play style versus the gather style of build up.


Admin Events with very active admins.


We have custom content added to both server. Lots of Gem buildables. You can build castle and static weapons you can do lots of fun crazy stuff.


We use WAI as our Mission and AI system so our AI are a challenge and yet very rewarding.


Very active admins on both servers. 


Refer a friend program:


So here are some refer a friend rewards... We are wanting to promote group play.


1 Friend = Little bird (2 seater)

2 friends = SuV (Any Color)

3 friends = Some building supplies

4 friends = Bigger Un armed chopper. (Mi17Civ, Mh60 Medivac, Ch53, Merlin)

5 friends = Armed SuV

6 friends = Armved chopper. (Uh1h or Mi17)


Here is some of our Gem buildables.



Here is a general video with some features listed in one of Mr. Green Irishes Videos.


Edited by MERC ZarX

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Also rest assured there are people on our Teamspeak. You just need "trusted" status to see people. So if you need trusted just hope in the admin needed channel and someone will get in touch with you.

Edited by MERC ZarX

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Good server as far as Im concerned. A few minor adjustments/addons and server will be great. already had 8-10 players on yesterday!!

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The Napf server is a brand new database and the chernarus server has been up for about a month now.

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More players joined yesterday. Server is getting popular. Get your free kit now!!

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