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Seattle 64 falling trees around freeside post.[IMAGES]

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Me and my friend were heading to the freeside post to trade the extra Mk 48 I had. We were running through the trees when all of a sudden one fell and landed on me, killing me instantly. My friend went to go get the gear on my body when ANOTHER tree fell on him. I went back to get our gear and then I found a guy sitting down AFK with my M24. Im guessing he hid our bodys. We had really rare gear here is what we had:

M24 with 25 rounds

Czech Backpack

Mk 48 Mod 0 100 rounds (In backpack)

Makarov ( I really dont care about this lol)

My friend had:

Mk 48 with 200 rounds

Czech backpack


I would post images but it says request entity to large. I will PM whoever needs them (rocket, anders,etc.)Or if you tell me how to add them I will they are bitmap imgaes so I dont know

Oh and freeside post is at Balota airfield around the second building area

The server is now shut down to a possible hacker.

Oh and happened about 3:30 PST. The guy who was AFK ( i have pictures if someone tells me how to attach them) was name THE BATMAN

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There were a lot of things happening in the server. There was definitely some hacking going on. It all started around 1800 EST, the trading post FTC had set up got blown up and they all got killed.

I met up with them and we were speaking in a group when we all just went up in the air and instantly died.

I shut the server down since everyone was heading to the trading post and thats where the hacker was focusing. I have contacted the Dev Team regarding this.

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It just really pisses me off that we lost hours of work to a fucking falling tree.

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