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DayZ Ghost stories

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So all of this happened around midnight last night, which is creepy enough ^^


Two of my mates were looting the tent and I continued to hang around in a bunker.


Then I saw a guy in the ATC and warned my mates.


The others were getting in position and I kept an eye on the guy. I thought he'd  seen me cuz he was always looking in my direction and zig-zagging along the strip.

Then after checking out those two hangars, he moved into the ground floor of prison building and peered out the window


We were waiting for him to loot the top floor and then come to the tents to get the drop on him. But he didn't loot it he came running out along the road straight towards us.

One of my guys was behind some fake buildings just outside the tents and the other in some bushes in front of me

Tango ran right past both my mates (right in front of their noses) then straight up towards me and I panicked like hell because they said they can't see him and when I aimed, my game lagged.

So he ran up to me I aimed... lagged like hell... panicked even more.... and opened fire

Missed the guy thanks to the massive lag and he ran past my position (I could swear he changed directions) and I was waiting for him to come in and get me.

The others moved up and searched around my position but he'd disappeared. We checked the playerlist and, since he was the only guy in the server with us, we knew he had in fact disappeared.

One of my friends said he didn't see him outside the bunker but me glitching out of it (instead of being in it) and the other of my mates said that he thought he saw the guy jump INTO the bunker.


Perhaps the ghost of one of the many people murdered at NWAF??

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One time when I was in the forest, I saw a blue ghost and it came up to me and dropped me a fully kitted M4. then it disappeared and said bye bye.


it was scary.

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