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Daggo (DayZ)

Funny Sniper Kill

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Haha, nice 1. Too bad you forgot to check her backpack, who knows what goodies you left behind :

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NEVER sit there without a thermal vision spotter covering your ass. Any sniper on the opposite hill, or just a random server hopper in the shop will look in this place first, and you'll die in 5 seconds.

I don't know why people keep sitting in this place, it's just stupid and this position is terrible. Another retarded position is in the red barn, on the catwalks.

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To be honest I did check her backpack just edited it out, I took awhile :D Also edited out about 2 minutes of footage where I was sitting there, we were near each other for quite awhile.

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Happened to me as well, except I spawned in right next to a wookie with a DMR. I moved around a bit before noticing the person, and no reaction came. Had to sacrifice one round from my M1911, but I got a new DMR. :D

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