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DayZ Epoch

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New PVP & PVE server DayZ World (Steam only)

1. Version of the game:
2. Beta Patch: 125548 official steam patch.
3. Server time: real, Moscow time.
4. Difficulty: veteran.
5. Map: Chernarus.
6. Server address:
7. Restart: not Yet configured.
8. Anti-Hack: Enabled.
Server location: UK - London
The group in RC - ID 9292843

About the server:
1. The adherence of the buildings.
2. Himself can pour the blood.
3. Many AI missions.( The complexity of bots VERY DIFFICULT)
4. Safezone in trading cities.(The speed to save zones is reduced to the machines to 25. Shooting is prohibited.)
5. Removing the skin from the dead.


On the server are scheduled to enter donation in the form of private databases.
Enter weapons of mass destruction, heavy military equipment, artillery, military aviation is not planned.

Edited by PUSHNOI1

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